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HomeEntertainment NewsTelegram boss Pavel Durov announces tightening of moderation

Telegram boss Pavel Durov announces tightening of moderation

Strengthened moderation and clearer cooperation with the judiciary: Telegram CEO and owner Pavel Durov announced on Monday, September 23, that his social network had implemented new measures aimed in particular at “People who do not respect our rules to sell illegal products”.

“In recent weeks, a team of moderators using artificial intelligence tools have made Telegram’s search engine much safer.writes Mr Durov. All problematic content we identified is no longer accessible in the search engine. » The world I have noticed that the French keywords that made it very easy to find weapons, stolen goods or drugs two weeks ago no longer yield any results.

Read also the story | Article reserved for our subscribers. How Telegram became the miracle court of ordinary crime

Formalized collaboration in classic criminal cases

Durov also announced that the platform’s official rules had changed. “We have clarified that the IP addresses and phone numbers of people who violate our rules may be disclosed to law enforcement in response to legal requests made in accordance with the rules.”explains the founder of the application.

Until recently, the rules published on the Telegram site stated that this information was only transmitted to the courts in cases of terrorism. Now, the same page specifies that “If you are suspected of a case involving criminal activities that also violate Telegram’s rules, we will conduct a legal analysis of the requests. [de la justice] and we may disclose your IP address and telephone number to the relevant authorities”.

Pavel Durov was arrested upon his arrival in Paris on August 24 as part of a wide-ranging investigation focusing in particular on the platform’s lack of cooperation with police and judicial services, in France and around the world. Since the start of the police detention of Mr. Durov, who has since been charged, Telegram began responding to judicial requests that had remained pending until then, as described below. Release. The Belgian prosecutor made a similar observation. These new measures “it should deter criminals”says Durov, who has been banned from leaving French territory pending his trial.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Following Pavel Durov’s arrest, Telegram’s cooperation with the judicial system of France and Belgium

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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