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HomeLatest News'Temptation Island's' Fani Carbajo Is Excited to See Her Daughter's Ultrasound

‘Temptation Island’s’ Fani Carbajo Is Excited to See Her Daughter’s Ultrasound

The famous former candidate of “The Island of Temptations” Fani Carbajo, shared with her followers a deeply moving moment: her last ultrasound, where she was able to see clearly his future daughter. Fani, who is already past her twentieth week of pregnancy, could not hold back her tears as she watched the image of her baby on the screen. Accompanied by her partner, Fran Benito, she was visibly moved as she saw her daughter’s first movements, which decided to call Victoria.

Fani experienced a pregnancy with many ups and downs. At first, she was threatened with miscarriage due to heavy bleeding, which forced her to rest completely for a few weeks. These difficult times caused great concern for her and her family, but fortunately, the situation stabilized and the health of Fani and her baby remained under control. Only a few weeks ago, The influencer had to go to the emergency room after feeling unwellwhere she was diagnosed with sinusitis and a vaginal infection, common problems for many pregnant women.

The timing of the 20-week ultrasound is crucial in any pregnancy and for Fani it was no different. This test allows to check the proper development of the fetus and to rule out possible malformations. Although chromosomal abnormalities had already been ruled out in previous tests, the Telecinco employee could not help but feel nervous before the ultrasound. Knowing that the baby is healthy and developing properly is a huge relief for any mother.

Fani Carbajo’s Big Supporter: Her Boyfriend Fran

Accompanied by Fran, who never left her side for a moment, Fani entered the office with a mixture of anxiety and hope.. “I was so nervous, but at the same time I wanted to see her again so much,” Fani said later. The couple watched intently as the doctor pointed out every part of little Victoria’s body on the monitor. From head to toe, every detail has been meticulously checkedallowing future parents to observe their daughter’s features with astonishing clarity.

Fani Carbajo, in the last part of her pregnancy. (Photo: Gtres)

One of the most emotional moments of the ultrasound was when they got to see the little girl’s profile. “Look, he’s got my mouth!” Fani exclaimed with a laugh, while Fran joked that the nose was definitely hers.. The image was so clear that they could even make out the shape of the small eyes, which made Fran wonder if they were light like hers or dark like her girlfriend’s. These little details make the pregnancy experience unique and special for every couple..

The ultrasound also revealed that Victoria is in an oblique position, which is completely normal at this stage of pregnancy. The doctor showed them each of the girl’s organs and body parts, detailing her development. “This is the gallbladder, do you know what it is?” asked the doctor, to which Fran replied humorously: “Of course, we watch the series ‘House’, we know that. The atmosphere in the room was relaxed, which is why Carbajo was able to show his most relaxed version.

Telecinco employee can’t hold back her tears

The most surprising moment came when the doctor pointed to Victoria’s little leg on the screen. Fani, her eyes full of tears, exclaimed: “Look what muscles he has, what strong legs!” The doctor nodded, pointing out that today’s technology allows us to see impressive details, such as the arch of the foot and the shape of the big toe.He has very good feet“You can see it all the way to your big toe,” he commented, bringing a big smile to the parents’ faces.

The ultrasound also captured Victoria moving her little hands, with one of her little fingers raised as if she was making the OK gesture. This detail, although small, filled Fani and Fran with tenderness and joy.. “It was like he was telling us everything was going to be okay.”Fani commented, visibly moved as she recalled the moment.

As they left the consultation, the lovers could not contain their happiness. “The most important thing is that the girl is okay.”said Fani, thanking everyone who had sent her messages of support. Despite the challenges and scares they have faced so far, the young woman feels optimistic and confident that the rest of the pregnancy will go smoothly without any further surprises.

The baby made Fani Carbajo very happy

With peace of mind knowing their daughter was in perfect health, Fani and Fran began planning for Victoria’s arrival. The couple are excited to decorate their little girl’s room.a project that they hope to start in the coming weeks. Fani, always close to his followers, has promised to share every detail of this process through his social networks, where thousands of fans follow every step of your exciting journey to motherhood.

Waiting for Victoria’s arrival It is experienced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, but above all with a lot of love. So much so that the influencer is ready to get pregnant again. She already has a son and is expecting a little girl, but wants to start a large family.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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