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Terrible ALLEGATION in Nari’s murder: Was she killed because she saw her uncle and her mother together?

The investigation continues into 8-year-old Narin Gura, who went missing on August 21 in Turkey’s Diyarbakir province and whose body was found in a sack in a stream bed near the village 19 days later.

The last statement of Nevzat Bakhtiyar, who buried the boy’s body in a ravine and hid it, has been revealed.

About this Oku.Az Reports with reference to “”.

Nevzat Bakhtiyar made terrible accusations about Nari’s uncle, the main suspect in the murder, and about Salim Guran, who is also the village chief.

He said he had an illegal and secret relationship with two female relatives of the boss.

“Salim Gura has an illicit relationship with Yüksel Gura (Nari’s mother) and Mashallah Gura, his uncle’s wife. This rumor has spread in the village, but I don’t think anyone can testify about it.

I assume that Narin saw his uncle having sex with one of these women. For this reason, Salim Guran could have killed Nari. However, I did not see with my own eyes that he had a relationship with one of these women.

I would also like to mention one issue. Nari’s relative Ugurcan Gura was to be married on August 25. Most of the men had left the village to distribute invitations. Salim Guran may have stayed in Tavşantepe village to have sex. The first place Salim Gura called me was the place Arif Gura used as a stable. He may have had sex in the stable. Narin may have seen him as well. When he brought Nari’s body to me, the boy had slippers on his feet, indicating that Nari was killed before entering the house. I did not kill Nari, but I was afraid that the gendarme would catch me. “I hid Nari’s lifeless body brought by Salim Gura in the ravine,” said Nevzat Bakhtiyar.

At the same time, his wife Suheyla Ozkan also made a remarkable statement.

“On the day the body was found, Nari’s uncle Salim Gura’s stepmother came to our house. Salim was arrested, Nevzat said that he would be arrested too. What do you understand from this? Then he went to Arif Gura’s house. Then Barish Gura (Salim Gura’s brother) came at 11:00 pm with the gendarmerie and checked my wife,” he said.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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