Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 10:44 pm
HomeTerrorist attack at Allenby checkpoint: Jordan issues statement

Terrorist attack at Allenby checkpoint: Jordan issues statement

The Jordanian Interior Ministry has condemned the terrorist attack at the Allenby checkpoint, in which three Israeli citizens were killed.

This was reported by the Alexey Zheleznov Telegram channel.

In a statement issued 14 hours after the incident, Jordanian authorities reiterated their firm stance against violence and attacks against civilians, regardless of their cause.

While the ministry condemned the attack, much of the statement was devoted to supporting the two-state solution and criticizing Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. In addition to condemning the terrorist attack, Jordanian authorities called for eliminating the causes that led to the escalation of violence against civilians.

According to the results of the Jordanian investigation, the attack was classified as an act committed by a single individual.

Earlier, Kursor wrote that the media reported new details of the investigation into the terrorist attack at the Allenby checkpoint.

A joint Jordanian-Israeli investigation into the Allenby checkpoint attack found that the terrorist, who was a Jordanian national, managed to pass through Israeli security checks. However, the weapon used in the attack was not found. Investigators believe the gunman hid a weapon under the driver’s seat and used it during the search, opening fire on Israeli guards at point-blank range.

The guards at the checkpoint were unarmed and unable to defend themselves. The terrorist was killed instantly, but the incident exposed serious vulnerabilities in the border security system. An intelligence official said these shortcomings could be addressed quickly, but the main problem was the smuggling of weapons and explosives across the Jordanian border into Judea and Samaria, despite IDF efforts to tighten security.

The Allenby checkpoint remains closed as IDF forces continue to search the area for possible accomplices and look for car bombs. Several Palestinian and Jordanian drivers have been detained for questioning, and drivers who were at the checkpoint at the time of the attack have been subjected to detailed background checks.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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