Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:22 pm
HomeTop StoriesThat's the prediction of Marc Andreessen, the man who predicted the rise...

That’s the prediction of Marc Andreessen, the man who predicted the rise of the Internet.

He boom Artificial intelligence is pushing more and more personalities to dare to predict what work will be like in a few years. A few weeks ago, it was the Indian guru Naval Ravikant, and one of the first investors in Uber and Twitter, who assured that in “50 years, bosses will disappear and everyone will work for themselves”.

Now, it’s tech mogul Marc Andreessen who has given his vision. He was one of the first to predict the massive impact the Internet would have on society and said it would change the world as we know it. And so it was. Now, three decades later, the co-founder of Netscape and co-author of Mosaic, one of the first web browsers with a graphical interface, dares to predict the future of work.

In a recent lecture, Andreessen highlights the importance of the concept of “pervasive artificial intelligence” and how it will be integrated into every facet of human life: from health, to education, to economics, to even entertainment. In this view, activities that today cost thousands of dollars, such as legal reports, medical diagnostics, or management consulting, will be reduced to pennies through advanced automation.

The venture capitalist also suggests that all these cost-cutting measures will lead to people having more money and being able to spend it on what really matters. So, Andreessen says, with less money going to previously expensive services, the amount of work needed to maintain a standard of living could decrease.

“If things cost $1,000, they will now be cheap, so the work will be less. If everything is cheaper, you can spend the money you save on other aspects of your life.”

And that, in turn, could change the dynamics of work, with more people devoting themselves to personal or creative projects rather than purely routine ones. “If things cost $1,000, they’re now going to be cheap, so the work will be less. If everything is cheaper, you can spend the money you save on other aspects of your life,” the billionaire pointed out.

With all this, Andreessen assures that “by 2034, your 9 to 5 job will be gone,” in addition to assuring that “wealth will go to those who have better ideas, not to those who work harder.”

On the other hand, Andreessen predicts a bright future for content creators, since thanks to AI-based tools such as ChatGPT, Claude or Dall-E, the barriers to creating articles or images are disappearing. According to him, the future will be an era in which creativity and idea generation will prevail over simple execution.

“AI-enhanced artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers are gaining the ability to bring their visions to life much faster and at a greater scale than ever before,” he said.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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