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“The 1 of the conspiracy is the zero kilometer of all the highways of corruption”

The Popular Party took advantage of its steering committee – which met urgently – for two subjects: announcing that will present a complaint before the National Court against the PSOE for the Koldo affairbut also to directly link the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, to the plot. The ‘popular’ fully attacked the head of the Executive and demanded his resignation: “Plot number 1 is the kilometer zero of all highways of corruption.” However, they used an incorrect term since Sánchez appears in the UCO report as “1” and not “number 1”.

The secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured that the plot “has been working for years at the heart of the Sánchez government”. This was stated during a press conference at the headquarters in Genoa, after having urgently received the party’s steering committee. “The situation in Spain is extraordinary,” defended Gamarra to justify the holding of the meeting.

“It is serious because of the alleged crimes that we are aware of and that the members of the Sánchez plot are said to have committed,” Gamarra accused. Afterwards, he mentioned that there was “eight highways of corruption“, concerning issues related to the Koldo affair, to Delcy Rodríguez’s trip to Spain, to “the socialist corruption of VAT on hydrocarbons”, the file opened to Begoña Gómez, the wife of the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez , or to his brother.

According to her, they have a link and it is the same president. “These eight highways of corruption, They have a clear origin. So that the so-called number one in intriguePedro Sanchez, It’s kilometer zero of all highways corruption that affects his government, his party and his closest environment,” declared the Secretary General.

They demand resignation, but no sign of motion of censure

He then declared that “there is no room for firewalls, because if all the points of all the corruption scandals that we are experiencing are met,what literally stands out is the face of Pedro Sánchez“It is for this reason that he ended up calling for the resignation of the head of the Executive.“they do not intend to present a motion of censure, nor do they have an appearance date before the commission of inquiry or before the courts. He suggested that Genoa only discussed bringing the matter to the AN for the alleged crimes of “illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling” linked to the Koldo affair. Likewise, there will be no call for demonstrations led by the PP.

The rest of Gamarra’s speech was filled with accusations against the president and his government, saying that, as he saw in the media, there were “businessmen carrying bags to Ferraz’s headquarters.” . “It is serious because of all this and because of the silences and the lies when they talk about Sánchez himself,” he stressed, affirming that “No one lies and no one stays silent unless they have something to hide.”“Not only did they know it and they covered it up, but now we know that in the conspiracy he was known as number 1,” he added, stressing that he was “number 1 “, while the truth is that the commission agent Víctor de Aldama He called Sánchez “1” in his conversations.

With this, the leader of the PP wanted to place Sánchez at the “head” of the plot. “Their situation is untenable and would have caused the fall of the entire government in another democracy. But Sánchez attacks the media who condemn his corruption and investigates the judges who are on his trail,” he accused. He even referred to Sánchez’s support in Parliament and the government, assuring that ““It is suffocated by corruption, by its parliamentary weakness and discredit.”The PP steering committee asks Sánchez to resign. “He can no longer be at the head of the Spanish government,” he concluded.




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