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the A-81, the western variant, the connection with Puente Nuevo or the central branch

The document that the president of theto the Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, delivered this Friday to The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during the meeting they held at Moncloa Palace It contains five express requests related to the province of Cordoba.

The text, 52 pages long and entitled ‘Andalusia, for equality: ongoing demands and new proposals to the Spanish government“, dedicates an epigraph to each of the provinces of the region and, in the case of Córdoba, cites the conversion of the N-432 into a motorway, its inclusion in the RTE-T network, the promotion of the western bypass, the Central Railway branch and the connection of the Sierra Boyera marshes with Puente Nuevo.

The details of each of these claims contained in the document, which the Junta of Andalusia provided this Friday afternoon to the media, is the following.


“The N-432, which should become the highway A-81 Badajoz-Cordoba-Granada, something that has been expected in the province for decades: it is necessary to promote and accelerate the execution of the section between Espiel and Badajoz, which has accumulated delays of more than 30 months and without official progress in its environmental treatment or in its time horizon for a solution”, underlines the text delivered by Dark has Sanchez.


The document mentions the logistical position of Cordoba and its potential. Thus, it proposes to “carry out the necessary actions for the inclusion of the N-432 and the A-81 in national and European planning in the TEN-T network. This network The Network includes linear and nodal transport infrastructures for road, rail, air, maritime and inland navigation modes, as well as those of a multimodal nature. It is therefore a key issue in the logistics development of the capital, linked to the Army Logistics Base project.

Western Variant

“It’s a project that has been stagnating for years and that the Advice “will strive to promote it with the signing of a new agreement, the content of which will be proposed at the next meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the collaboration protocol, scheduled for the last quarter of 2024, after the meeting of the general directors held last July,” the report states about Variant.

Central railway branch

This initiative, said “Andalusia, for equality”, “involves the “construction” of the rail highway between Algeciras and Zaragozawith a mandatory passage through the capital Cordoba, where the cargo loading terminal of The Higueron “This would multiply its activity.” “The initial objective was for it to be operational by the end of 2024, but the deadline is unaffordable: the Executive takes the delay for granted and does not give a deadline for it to be operational,” adds the text, which concludes with “In 2023, the State “spent one hundred million euros on this infrastructure.”

Water supply north of Cordoba

The document states that a priority is also “the connection of the marshes of Sierra Boyera And New bridge with the connection of the first reservoir to La Colada, which is being awarded by the Council. “It must constitute the safety net so that the North does not run out of drinking water again due to drought, as happened between April 2023 and the same month of 2024. It is forgotten by the Government, despite the fact that it is included as an action to be carried out in the Hydrological Plan 2023-2027, where it appears with 16 million in reserves.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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