Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:54 pm
HomeBreaking News"The academic challenge is great"

“The academic challenge is great”

The opening of the university curriculum began this Monday, September 23 in Zaragoza. King Felipe VI arrived for the celebration in Paraninfo at 11:00 a.m.where he was received by the President of the Government, Jorge Azcón; the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant; and the Minister of Education, Professional Training and Sports, among other authorities.

“More than 70% of scientific research in our country is carried out in our universities, most of them public,” the King stressed. A fact that, as he stated, “makes Spain the 12th world power in scientific production.”

He also stressed that Spanish universities are increasingly present in European research programs. “Spain is the third country with the most consortia in the European Alliances programme and continues to be number one in hosting Erasmus students”listed.

A solid base that must continue to be built with “ambition and responsibility” in the face of current difficulties: such as globalization and constant innovation. “The challenge is great because the demands of our society are also great”said Felipe VI.

He stressed that the university must continue to be “a model of ethics characterized by a democratic spirit, openness and coexistence.” That is, a reflection “of the values ​​of our Constitution.”

39 rectors

The event, which took place last year in Cantabria, lasted an hour and also included with the presence of 39 rectors, from the 94 Spanish public and private universitiesThe capital that hosts the inauguration is Zaragoza, among other things on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the Aragonese institution.

The day was similar to all university commencements, although on this occasion the opening had a special touch for the rector of the University of Zaragoza, Antonio Mayoral. “She will be the last to preside over the head of the institution,” remembered.

In his speech this Monday before His Majesty, he highlighted the difficulties that a university like Zaragoza is experiencing. At this point, as was mentioned last Friday, questioned the Organic Law of the University System of Aragon (LOSUA).

“LOSUA gives us a mandate to work on balance and territorial structuring, with the particularity of having its headquarters in the fourth most populated city in Spain. “There are also campuses in two of the five least populated areas and a center assigned in a population of eight thousand inhabitants,” he stressed.

A commitment to the territory, according to Mayoral, which is shared with other Spanish universities. “For example, Castilla la Mancha or Valladolid complement the campuses of the five least populated provincial capitals,” he stressed.

After Mayoral, the president of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), Eva Alcón, spoke. Then Morant, Azcón and, closing the event, King Felipe VI spoke.

After the speeches and words of the authorities, the inauguration of the exhibition of historical documents and books on the University of Zaragoza began. In this selection, inaugurated by the King, you will be able to access a copy of the papal bull of the Archbishopric of Zaragoza, as well as curious and incunabula documentation of the beginnings of the institution.

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