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The Andalusian fishing sector threatens to take action due to the unexpected closure of the Gulf of Cádiz fishing zone

The Andalusian fishing sector threatens to take action due to the unexpected closure of the Gulf of Cádiz fishing zone

He Andalusian fishing sector once again sounds the alarm and calls for help from the government by having to dock the fleet during this month of November after receiving an email from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in which it was ordered that ‘from the first day of the month, purse seiners in the Gulf of Cadiz had to stop fishing. If he does not receive it, he threatens to take action.

The Andalusian Federation of Fishermen’s Corporations denounces the fact that the order took place “without notice, resolution or document” closure and that the fishing sector assumed the suspension of all purse seine fishing one month before the obligatory temporary stop, established for the months of December and January.

This, adds the federation, at the very least condemns the sector until February to be able to fish, since the opening date is also unknown.

It is for this reason that he maintains that the Andalusian fishing sector is facing a “a very critical point of view” which is complemented, “unfortunately”, with other setbacks which surround this fishery “and which only destabilize the fleet without any compensation being offered”.

This is why he insists that the urgent and necessary request for this fishing fleet be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, some form of aid this compensates for this closure in November.

“We need this urgent request for aid to the sector to be considered favorably at this time when the shipowners and sailors of the headquarters of the Gulf of Cádiz find themselves in a climate of despair and worry», assured the president of the federation, Manuel Fernández.

If you do not receive them, the sector warns that will take “the necessary measures” to defend so many families who live from this fishing and who are hit by political decisions without arguments or notice.

The fleet of purse seiners in the Gulf of Cádiz is made up of nearly a hundred vessels. The closure of this fishery affects 1000 direct workers and 5,000 indirect workers.

This is the modality that requires the most service sectors and has the highest economic level in the supply and marketing chain, which implies significant losses for many companies dependent on these ships.

“Are many families “who live from these fishing gear and who suffer, in addition to being very significant, the economic damage they cause to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Andalusia”, adds the federation.


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