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HomeLatest NewsThe Andalusian Government presents its appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law

The Andalusian Government presents its appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law

The President of the Council, Juanma Moreno, announced this Monday at an event in Lucena: “It is an attack on the equality of the Spanish and Andalusia is not going to look the other way.”

The President of the Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno EFE


Updated at 1:17 p.m.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, announced this Monday that his government would present the before the Constitutional Court of an appeal against the amnesty law agreed by Pedro Sánchez with the Catalan independentists.

The amnesty law that erases the crimes of the independence process in Catalonia from November 1, 2011 to November 13, 2023 represents a “violation of a fundamental right from which Andalusia cannot, must not and will not turn its eyes away” said the Andalusian president after announcing this call during the inauguration of the new judicial headquarters of Lucena, the second most populated municipality in the province of Córdoba.

In this act, Moreno defended that “public agents” have the duty to act to protect the equality of Spaniards, which are two of the inspiring principles of the Constitution.

With this measure, the Andalusian Executive joins the legal offensive proposed by the PPwhich includes two appeals presented by the party and the majority of the communities in which it governs.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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