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The Andalusian Ombudsman demands more transparency from the Council in the adoption processes

He Andalusian mediator calls for more transparency Andalusian government in adoption processesHe does so after criticising the fact that access to a national adoption eligibility file was “delayed”, which “forced” the interested parties to “present allegations without knowing the full contents of the file” and that they obtained “a very late copy” of the documents they expressly requested.

In a resolution consulted by Europa Press, the Ombudsman, while confirming that he is “forced to suspend his intervention in this case” because the persons concerned by to place the facts in the hands of a judge, believes that it is “appropriate to reflect” on the principles applied in the process.

First, he urges the Cadvice on social inclusion, youth, families and equality “adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the right of persons subject to a fitness study to access the full contents of your file and to obtain copies of the documents it contains in order to be able to formulate allegations within the time limit set by regulation and always before the issue of the proposed resolution.

“There should be no doubt about right that assists those concerned in an administrative file leading to the assessment of their suitability for adoption to access the complete file and obtain copies of the documents it contains, given that it is added by regulation that the interested parties must be summoned to access it once the investigation is completed and before the proposed resolution is drafted, and this with the aim that may present allegations as they deem appropriate,” he said.

Also, ask Whatand “instructions” are issued to the entity carrying out the assessments to “avoid the practice of modifying the format and content of the technical instruments used to undertake the adequacy study or, at least, if such modification occurs, provided that this is in accordance with intellectual property legislation”. , this impact is highlighted in a clearly visible manner in the report resulting from the adequacy study.

The organization makes this recommendation after “having learned that the The assessment staff modified the questions included in the test Be careful, although it is a technical, standardized and unified instrument, made up of the corresponding intellectual property register, and which allows the professional who uses it to obtain uniform conclusions for the different people who could complete it.

Likewise, he invites them to refer instructions to management units suitability procedures to “avoid the situation where, when the assessor is granted the right to access your file, he or she can also access third-party data that is completely unrelated to your case.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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