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HomeBreaking NewsThe Aragonese PSOE rejects Junts' "lessons" and accuses Urtasun of "distorting reality"...

The Aragonese PSOE rejects Junts’ “lessons” and accuses Urtasun of “distorting reality” from Sijena

Disgust and anger to have heard yesterday a politician from Junts in the Senate and the minister distort and distort reality as they did yesterday.“. This is the feeling that reigns within the Aragonese PSOE after the statements of the head of Culture, Ernest Urtasun (Sumar), when he described the return of goods to Sijena as “politicized management”, ignoring the court decision that forced their transfer to Sijena. the monastery of Huesca.

As the socialist leader Javier Lambán has already done, the spokesperson of the Cortés and Minister of Culture for the restitution of the goods, Mayte Pérez, raised her voice and claimed the legality of the operation, protected by justice . “I don’t know if it’s because of bad will or bad faith. Hearing these words is absolutely disappointing“, he declared during a press conference.

It is for this reason that the group is trying to contact Minister Urtasun to “let him know the reality of what happened”. “I’m trying to tell him the truth about what happened. Judicial decisions have always been on the side of the Community in the plunder of property unjustly taken from our land.“, underlined Pérez, recalling that the return of the murals is pending.

He also made harsh remarks against Junts, who questioned the care of the works in Sijena. “We are fed up with the intellectual conceit, arrogance and supremacist nature of Catalan politicians, who lecture on how we must safeguard and care for our heritage.. They themselves had these same goods in warehouses and boxes without any care and without being exposed to the public. The lessons from pro-independence politicians, none,” he declared.

“When the PP could, it did nothing”

Likewise, the former Minister of Culture rejected in 2017 that the PP is trying to claim this “collective success” with the application of article 155. Indeed, Pérez remembers that the judge allowed Aragón to go to Lérida to collect them because the Rajoy government “did not do it alone, nor did it help.”

“It was a judge’s decision that made this possible. Article 155 applied by the Rajoy government has nothing to do with this. Minister Méndez de Vigo, who was Minister of Culture, was able to return the goods to Aragon on his own initiative, and we had to be the Community that went to pick them up in Lleida.“, he explained.

Azcón believes that Urtasun “is not qualified” to be minister

The President of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, also spoke out on this subject, harshly criticizing Minister Urtasun, accusing him of “pleasing the ears” of the Junts and “insulting” the Community. ““He showed that he was not qualified to be Minister of Culture,” he assured..




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