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HomeLatest NewsThe Archbishopric of Burgos finalizes the expulsion process against the former nuns...

The Archbishopric of Burgos finalizes the expulsion process against the former nuns of Belorado

The Archbishopric of Burgos has reactivated the mechanism to present the expulsion process against the former nuns of the convent of La Bretonera, in Belorado, four months after the Poor Clares of the time decided to separate from the Catholic Church.

According to the digital newspaper ‘Burgosconnect’, in information collected by Europa Press, the legal services of the Archbishopric of Burgos hope to file the eviction complaint against the former nuns of Belorado in the coming days, as confirmed by diocesan sources.

Legal services are “working quickly and without interruption” and it may be “only a matter of days” when the complaint is filed.

The nuns expressed their abandonment of the Catholic Church last May to come under the tutelage of Pablo de Rojas and his “Pía Unión Sancti Pauli Apostoli”, whose founder was excommunicated in 2019, but they remained locked up in the convent of Las Clarisas de Belorado.

From the Archbishopric, after the “prudent and measured” action of Mgr Mario Iceta and the Pontifical Commission appointed by the Supreme Pontiff, the legal services of the Archbishopric consider that “the time has come to file the request for expulsion.”

They recall that the Archdiocese “was not in a hurry, did not rush into making decisions and, once the complaint document has been drawn up, it will be presented to the Court in the coming days.”

As a preliminary step to the trial, the archdiocese was to obtain a vulnerability report issued by the social assistance sector of the provincial council, but when the social workers of Belorado approached to interview the former nuns, many of them refused to do so, and they waived being examined to determine their degree of vulnerability and their condition.

The Provincial Council of Burgos determined that by waiving this, it was understood “that the former nuns do not suffer from the supposed vulnerability”, so after the presentation of the expulsion request, it will be a judge who will determine what will happen with the former Poor Clares of Belorado, who also have a legal firm that will defend them.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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