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HomeTop StoriesThe Archbishopric of Burgos pursues the nuns of Belorado and demands their...

The Archbishopric of Burgos pursues the nuns of Belorado and demands their expulsion from the monastery

He Archbishopric of Burgos takes a new step in its conflict against the nuns of Belorado in file a complaint against the nine former nuns. After “a reasonable waiting period”, Mgr Iceta explained that the legal services decided to present the claim before the Court of Briviesca.

In a statement, they explain the steps taken by this conflict, which began on May 13, when the abbess of the monastery of Santa Clara de Belorado published a document in which she expressed her desire to leave the Catholic Church.

“After the previous canonical investigation, and after having exhausted the resources that invited them to reconsider their departure from the Catholic Church, on June 22, the excommunication and expulsion from consecrated life of the ten sisters who had adhered to the schism were pronounced. consequence, from that moment, says the former religious They have no legal title to inhabit the properties belonging to the monasteries they occupied,” they detail.

They also add that “they have become aware of the refusal to register in the appropriate register of Home office associations that the ancient religious had created with which they intended to transform the canonical legal entities of the monasteries into civil associations, which is legally unfeasible“.

SO, the expulsion process is activated former nuns, the Archdiocese expressing its “willingness to help” these women on their “path back to ecclesial communion, where they would be welcomed with delicacy and mercy, in the image of the parable of the prodigal son”, as indicated in the declaration.




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