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The AUGC sues the Interior for refusing a full session of the Civil Guard after the Barbate assassinations

THE Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) asked the National court “all resolutions, communications and administrative acts” of the Home Office led by Fernando Grande-Marlaska for refusing to convene a extraordinary plenary session of the Civil Guard to analyze the murder of two civil guards overwhelmed by a Narcolancha in the port of Barbate (Cádiz) on February 9.

As the AUGC reports in a press release, the National Court admitted a contentious-administrative appeal “against the arbitrary denial of the holding of an extraordinary plenary session of the Civil Guard Council” requested by this professional association of the Army Institute. The initiative was also supported by other groups and police unions.

The plenary petition was adopted after murder of Miguel Ángel González and David Pérez Carracedoattacked after being sent by zodiac to the port of Barbate in an attempt to deter half a dozen drug boats which were taking refuge in the storm dock. “Take the rubber, Get in the water and let them see you“, they ordered them. Another agent lost an arm. THE AUGC He had already denounced that the operation was “disproportionate”, “as if we were sending sardines to scare away the sharks”.

After the events, the AUGC proposed to analyze what happened “from the point of view of risk prevention and take appropriate corrective action and eliminate or minimize the risk of future actions, without prejudice to clarify responsibilities let them continue.

With its request, the AUGC asks the Ministry of the Interior to “hand over full copy of all proceduresresolutions, communications, administrative acts, procedural acts and emails intervened in the bodies of the Department in relation to the request to hold an extraordinary plenary session of the Civil Guard Council“.

The association explained that it “does not rule out” requesting the event to be held again. extraordinarily full in the coming days, following the change of direction of the Civil Guard after the return of Mercedes Gonzalez at the General Directorate, which would offer “a magnificent opportunity to be alongside the Civil Guards and their families”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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