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The Balearic Islands readmit the guards that Armengol expelled because they did not have the Catalan title

The Balearic Government will readmit the guards that the executive of Francina Armengol expelled job sites of public hospitals for not having a Catalan degree. In this way, the Health Service of the Archipelago (IB Salut) will comply with the decision of the court of Palma, which ruled a few days ago in first instance that this decision was not in accordance with the law.

Health Minister Manuela García assured that IB Salut’s legal services were already studying the sentence and announced that the guards would be reinstated. In a parliamentary response to Vox MP María José Verdú, García stressed that the Marga Prohens Executive will restore the rights of these workers and criticized the Armengol government for “prioritizing their interests by drafting a decree to circumvent its own regulations.”

The advisor recalled that these professionals were governed by a decree which It required an A2, which years later became a B1. while they were already registered for the single bag. As reported by ABC, when these professionals went to update their merits, they found that the Catalan requirements that were required of them had changed and that thousands of them were left behind. For this reason, they filed a class action through the firm Florit Abogados, which managed to get the court to rule in their favor.

Thus, the judgment of September 2 of this year considers that the Executive formed by the PSOE of Armengol, the nationalists of Més and Podemos, violated the acquired rights of these workers in change requirements after the factThe court ensures that new requirements cannot be imposed on candidates who had already accredited everything that was asked of them during the first call.

SO, The House has annulled the expulsion resolution dictated by the IB Salut, then led by the socialists, and recognized the right of workers to be included in the final pool of those admitted. Although there is an appeal before the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJB), everything indicates, after the response of the councilor, that the new Executive of the Balearic Islands will comply with the decision. Let us recall that Prohens removed the language requirement for health professionals as one of the measures aimed at reducing the difficulties in filling vacancies.

The guards hoped that the new executive would “do them justice” and not appeal the sentence, although they acknowledge that the news comes too late for many of them. “Many colleagues have left for the peninsula because of the imposition of Catalan and others have not worked for years,” lament those affected by Armengol’s language policy.

As ABC moved forward, in the summer of 2021, Health held a merit competition to create a pool of interim candidates so that “new candidates could register and registered candidates could include new merits,” says the call to which about 7,000 applied. candidates. In November, the resolution was published in which 2,500 workers were rejected, despite the fact that many of them were already on the stock market in 2018 working as temporary workers.

The complainants were excluded because it was considered that they did not demonstrate the necessary level of language training (B1), a level higher than that provided for in the Resolution requesting the exchange (A2). “It surprised us all. ‘Is this how they pay us for the effort of these two years of pandemic?’” lamented one of the most experienced guards, who found himself unemployed despite having worked as a guard for 17 years.

The lawsuit, filed by the law firm Florit Abogados, stated that knowledge of Catalan “cannot be a cause for exclusion” of the selective procedure and even less in the case of personnel already registered. “This generates a clear legal uncertainty for the persons concerned, in this case excluded from the single list due to the a posteriori and rigorous application of a requirement that was not previously required or at least relaxed in its application or requirement”, argued the lawyer Ernesto Florit, who He did not question the language policy but rather focused on the fact that this job window was open for the updating of merits and for new incorporations; However, “what happened is that people were fired, which was unforeseen. “This is where the heart of the request lies.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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