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HomeLatest NewsThe best burger in the world is cooked in Spain for the...

The best burger in the world is cooked in Spain for the first time in history

The best hamburgers in the worldpopularly known as the Michelin Guide to Hamburgers, has published its highly anticipated 2024 ranking, a list that this year includes great news for the gastronomy of our country. The Valencian One hundred hamburgers It was chosen as the best hamburger restaurant in the world according to the jury’s evaluations after more than eight hundred visits to hamburger restaurants in sixty countries.

This is the first time in the history of the award that Non-American burger restaurant takes top spot on the prestigious list, which until last year was led by New York’s famous Pizza Loves Emily.

Hundred Burgers, founded in 2020 by Alex González-Urbón and Ezequiel Maldjianhas four restaurants in Valencia and three in Madrid and has been praised by the jury of the World’s Best Burgers for “its artisanal approach and its constant evolution in search of perfection”.

The company of Valencian origin and supported by Lanzadera by Juan Roigis characterized by the daily homemade production of all the ingredients for its burgers, the baking of half-brioche bread every morning and the daily cutting of aged and dried Galician blond cow meat for its burgers.

Two other Spanish brands appear on the list of the twenty-five best hamburger restaurants in the world, the one in Madrid Briochef in seventeenth place and also from Valencia Soul Cafe which rises to tenth place in the ranking, making it so that only the United States has more hamburgers among the ten best on the planet than our country. Spanish gastronomy, which for decades has dominated the lists of the best haute cuisine restaurants in the world and with the El Capricho Winery Voted the second best steakhouse on the planet, it once again demonstrates its strength and competitiveness at the international level with this award.

The podium of honor is completed by Hundred Burgers, two American burger restaurants that are a must for any burger lover traveling in the North American country. The bronze falls on them At the Horse, from Chicago and money in the former number one ranking, Pizza Loves Emily, from New York“Fortunately for Spanish consumers, it will no longer be necessary to cross the Atlantic to enjoy the best hamburgers in the world, since they are now in our country,” the company says.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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