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HomeLatest Newsthe best horchatería in Valencia that no one notices

the best horchatería in Valencia that no one notices

In Valence We care so much about food that even in a horchateria we can find the best sandwich in the world. for us horchata is an elixir and not just any place is worth drinking it.

Fortunately, the capital of Turia is full of magnificent places to taste horchata and spend a good afternoon with friends. We all know the most legendary ones like Saint Catherine, Daniel either The Sariers. However, there is an even better place.

Although this distinction is still contested, they say that It is one of the oldest horchaterías in Valencia.was founded 132 years ago and specialized in horchata and fartons craftsmen.

The oldest Valencian horchatería in the world

The horchatateria The Hill It has become a meeting point for Valencians for generations. For many, it is the oldest in the city, having been founded in 1892.

Since then, they have remained faithful to tradition and when you walk through their doors, you will feel like you are taking a trip into the past. The horchatería keeps the decoration of yesteryear intact.

The Valencian modernist style prevails in all its corners, with decorative tiles and classic marble and wrought iron tables. Of course, the most important thing is the quality of your horchata.

Horchata and the classics fartons They are handmade and you can try them all year round.. In addition, in winter you also have the opportunity to taste another Valencian classic: buñuelos, chocolate and churros.

The Horchateria The Hill It’s just behind La Lonjaone of the most beautiful buildings in Valencia, on Ercilla Street. It is not a very big place and, perhaps, at first it will not catch your attention, but it is a must visit.

The best horchaterias in Valencia

Beyond The HillValencia is full of incredible horchaterías. Here are some more that are worth visiting at least once a year:

  • Saint Catherine: It has more than two centuries of history and its name is synonymous with horchata and buñuelos. It opens every day of the year and has become a must for tourists.
  • Daniel Horchatarium: for many it is one of the cradles of this Valencian drink and has its headquarters in Alboraya. However, it has opened other establishments such as the Colón market in Valencia.
  • The Sariers: Their current location was founded in 1995, but before that they already had their own cultivation and were making artisanal horchata. This is the perfect option if you are looking for the purest flavor.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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