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HomeLatest NewsThe best-selling video game book with a patent from Cordoba

The best-selling video game book with a patent from Cordoba

Video game writer and university professor IES Santa Rosa de Lima, Mayor Enrique Segurais in the process of publishing his first novel, “Comic strip planet”, for which he contacted the publisher Planet. At the same time, she has another project in which she will unite education and video games in the concept of gamification, that is, transferring the mechanics of these games to learning. Segura has published eight books with the publisher Dolmenwith which he sold more than 10,000 copies, making him one of the most successful video game authors in Spain if Amazon sales are taken into account.

The novel will tell the story of a son’s discovery of a book in his father’s house. This work has magical properties, since the stories his father told him as a child come to life. “It is actually a tribute to the editorial line of the Forum, which are the superhero comics of Agostini’s Planet those I grew up with.”

The author of bestselling video game books comor “Classic Arcade Collections” “Arcade classic Ultimate” or “Sega Legends Forever,” released earlier this year, he joked about it: “It’s suitable for a Netflix series.” Segura, an English teacher and bilingualism coordinator in Santa Rosa de Lima, located in the neighborhood of Brother Albinois also preparing another book to promote the teaching of this language to the youngest. It does not yet have a title but it will transfer the video game to the educational world: “the student feels a rejection towards what he does not know and does not like, that is why gamification is a necessity today, since the master class of yesteryear does not work today”, he emphasizes.

With such projects, the brilliant career of this man from Cordoba, which began with his first book, continues. ‘Dreamcast, the eternal dream’, a tribute to this Sega console that has marked many of its users since its release on the market in the late 90s. Since then, he has become a particularly successful author, to the point of having three and four editions of some of his books, the most successful in this regard is “1990-2000, the decade of the video game revolution”, in which he looks back on the change that these years represented for the world of video games and consoles.

Son of the Ghost

Segura can be defined as a “son of the Spectrum“, since it was this famous computer that gave him access to the world of video games when he was a child, in which decades ago the work of a Cordoba programmer, Rafael Gómez, stood out, who “adapted an arcade game, Tekhan World Cup, without a license, to create the Emilio Butragueño Football, one of the best-selling video games.

This is precisely the Emilio ButragueñoThis is the first game he knows how to use. Onwho really came to write decades later, as he says laughing, because of the midlife crisis and very recently, around 2019, since he is now 46 years old: “At that age, as they say popularly in Córdoba, “I realized that I had spilled the ham, that my life was half over and that memories, sensations and the need to enjoy certain things again came back to me.” From this need was born a literary career but also a journalistic one, since his books are based on dozens and dozens of interviews with the main protagonists of the world of video games.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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