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HomeLatest NewsThe BNG insists on its own economic agreement to overcome a “very...

The BNG insists on its own economic agreement to overcome a “very harmful” model for Galicia

The BNG insisted yesterday on the defense of a “own economic concert for Galicia” to overcome a financial model that they consider “very detrimental” to the Community, emphasizing that the State “ended up” with 59 billion millions over the last 15 years.

This was indicated during a press conference in Santiago by the head of Training and deputy of the nationalist party, Montsé Pradowho used the studies of economist Xosé Díaz on budgetary balances in recent years to argue his position. He pointed out that in the last regulation of 2022, there was a difference of 5.344 million between what Galicia brings in through taxes and what it transfers the state. On the other hand, it was evident that in the same regulation the Galician community was the beneficiary of a total of 2.987 million if we take into account the contributions from the common funds to which only the Community of Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands contribute . .

Prado defended that Galicia has “the key” to the money, as “the Euskadi has it and Catalonia is going to have it” and advocated that the Community collects “the totality of taxes and transfers them only to the ‘State”. a quota linked to common issues”, one of the main measures that have come to light regarding the agreement between the ERC and the PSOE regarding the Catalan financing model negotiated by the two parties.

Among other data presented by the BNG, it should be noted that more than 33.335 million of the savings of Galicians deposited in banks were withdrawn from Galicia in 2023 to invest in other regions of Spain, according to data from the Bank of Spain.

“Servilism and submission”

“Galicia cannot miss this train,” added the vice-president of the Galician Parliament, Montse Prado, who criticized the president of the Xunta, Alphonse Ruedaput the interests of the PP “first” with his “servility and submission”. He also called it “inconceivable” that the head of the region would give up debt relief.

For her part, the head of the BNG Organization, Lucía López, stressed that this is a “fundamental issue” for Galicia, “one of the biggest injustices suffered for decades“. He warns that the community is discriminated against in a “continuous and structural” way by a “centralist and outdated” distribution.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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