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The Board of Directors and Guadalajara City Hall join forces to carry out social projects

The Council and City Hall of GuadalajarThey were clear and defended, this Monday, in Guadalajara, that going hand in hand is not only more profitable but necessary so that projects such as the laying of the first stone of a new day center and housing for people disabled become reality. .

A message shared by the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Pagewhose administration is contributing five million euros to this project with European funds, like the mayor of Guadalajara, Ana Guarinosthe administration which provided the two plots of land on which these infrastructures will be launched in Alicante Street in the capital, valued at around 800,000 euros.

This is what the two officials declared in their interventions where they also agreed on the need to improve the financing of administrations.

Some statements they made at the ‘José Luis San Pedro’ institute after participating in the laying of the first stone of some works they have planned a turnaround time of approximately 18 months and which consist of the implementation of a day center for people over 50 with 32 places and four homes for disabled people.

In his presentation, the president of the regional government, Emiliano García-Page, highlighted that the next budget of Castilla-La Mancha will follow the same line of growth in social spending. García-Page is back to defend a most consensual financing systemor possible in which singularity is not established “as an alibi” to speak of privileges.

“It is important to try to build consensus and success among everyone,” he said. And, for the head of the Executive, it is clear that in this country we also need an agreement between all the most moderate parties and “we must also” engage in a path of consensus between administrations.

Concerning the place where it will be opened the day center and the housing will be built, he considers that it is a “very friendly” place for work which responds to a change in the approach to managing the world of disability, infinitely more humanized than these ancient centers guided by other concepts.

According to him, these are also projects that very well represent the requirements of a growing city.

66 million for disability

An act in which the president announced that the government would approve this Tuesday an investment of more than 66 million euros for disabled entities as part of a shared financing strategy and the largest budget in the history of the network of women’s centers and shelter resources for women victims of gender-based violence.

Concretely, the call for grants to entities will be approved care for people with disabilities, 4.6 million more compared to this year and 25 more compared to 2015.

According to García-Page, these are “doubled allocations” to fight against this type of violence, for an amount of more than 32.5 million euros for the years 2025 and 2026.

And in reference to the financing of European funds, today he went further and increased to 2 billion what this region will invest, ensuring that this is “pure oxygen for our services and for the economy of the region”.

For her part, for the mayor of Guadalajara, Ana Guarinos, we see today the importance of being together in projects whose objective is to improve the lives of people with mental disabilities, a day center with 36 places for people over 50 years old. adults with intellectual disabilities and four 32-bed homes, projects which should serve to improve their autonomy.

A project that would not be possible without the collaboration of public administrations to make inclusion policies a reality because this is also what citizens expect from public administrations.

An intervention in which the mayor recalled that municipal councils also regularly carry out inclusion policy services although they do not have powers within them, and now that it is so fashionable to talk about financing , she took the opportunity to demand “fair and egalitarian” local funding. “.

“The municipalities do not want privileges, singularities and quotas of any kind, but we want fair and adequate financing, exactly the same as that demanded by the autonomous communities to continue providing these services, many of which are of a social, which citizens demand and want. The municipal councils also sit at the same table as the autonomy groups, which is absolutely necessary and must not wait any longer,” he concluded.

“We want equality for all, solidarity and privileges for no one,” he affirmed, with the aim of continuing to defend the interests of the city and to continue collaborating on projects like the one whose first stone was laid today and “continue working for the well-being of people. For her part, the Minister of Social Protection, Bárbara García Torijano, referred to the 21 million investments that her ministry will dedicate to 16 housing projects and 5 day centers which, like the one in Guadalajara, will also be launched in Albacete, Toledo and soon in Cuenca.

García Torijano also referred to the importance of collaboration between administrations for these initiatives to become a reality, recalling that it was during the time of Alberto Rojo as mayor of Guadalajara that the transfer of the two plots was signed and how the government of Ana Guarinos which has now granted building permits. What really matters is that there are political leaders “with the sensitivity” to launch these projects, he said, recalling that barely three years ago today, the new Center Betania was inaugurated in the capital of Alcarreña.

Finally, the president of the Cortes, Pablo Bellido, said that both the center and the houses that will be built in Guadalajara for people with disabilities will mean “advancing in equality and solidarity”, also calling for the collaboration of administrations so that ” among all” we are committed to the common good, and share with Guarinos the need for equitable financing because “Castile-La Mancha is underfunded”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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