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HomeLatest NewsThe boomerang effect of Ayuso's xenophobic hoax

The boomerang effect of Ayuso’s xenophobic hoax

It was January 17, a Government Council of the Community of Madrid had just been held in Alcalá de Henares and Isabel Díaz Ayuso appeared at a press conference to define a panorama of “chaos” in the city due to a reception center for migrants. According to her, there had been “scabies”, serious “fights” and even sexual assaults against women since non-Spanish, poor and black men had come to occupy part of the city after arriving by boat. According to the president of the Community of Madrid, the center – and Pedro Sánchez as a result – had transformed Alcalá into a dangerous place.

Reality proved resistant to fiction and, a few hours later, the government delegate denied the existence of complaints of sexual assault against women committed by migrants arriving from the Canary Islands. But reality is the least important thing, and that day, Alcalá had to be a lawless city in the scenario of the worst version of an opposition that alvisiza and who does not hesitate to take hostage anyone he needs, even if they are the ones with the least ability to defend themselves. It works for me, I take it.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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