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HomeBreaking NewsThe boy who wanted to meet the girl in the park and...

The boy who wanted to meet the girl in the park and kicked her is sentenced

A boy who committed an act of hooliganism against a young woman on the street in the Sabail district of the capital has been arrested.

Qafqazinfo reports that the incident took place in the Badamdar settlement. The girl, who reported the incident to the police, said that a stranger followed her and approached her on the street, making gestures with his hands and trying to kiss her.

A few days after the application, the police officers tracked down the person and detained him. It turned out that he was F. Karimov, born in 1995, a resident of one of the villages in the Agjabedi district (conditional).

A report was drawn up against him under Article 510 (minor vandalism) of the Administrative Offences Code and sent to the courts.

The young complainant also took part in the court hearing. She confirmed her statement at the police station:

“That day, around 8 pm, my sister and I were in Badamdar Park. A man sat on the bench we were sitting on and said he wanted to see me. I told him many times that I didn’t want to. I met him when I was walking home, I rejected him again near the street where I live and he threw his hands at me. He tried to kiss me. When he tried to leave, I told him that I would take my phone and break it. He gave me back the phone, saying that he was a journalist.”

The detainee said that everything the young woman said was a lie.

“I just wanted to get close to him and get to know him.”

By decision of the Sabail District Court, F. Karimov was sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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