Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:22 pm
HomeThe Briton, who has 180 children, spoke about his personal life.

The Briton, who has 180 children, spoke about his personal life.

The Briton, known as “Lonely Joe”, has fathered 180 children over the past 14 years, helping women who have difficulty conceiving. Lonely Joe uses different methods to help his clients: he establishes intimate relationships with them or sends his biomaterial via couriers and sometimes delivers it himself.

The Sun writes about this.

Of the 180 children she knows, she has managed to meet with 60 of them. She keeps in close contact with some of them and sees them regularly, and she communicates with others by letter or by phone if they live far away.

“It’s important to me that my children know that we love them, despite the unusual circumstances of their birth,” says Joe.

Interestingly, Joe also pays child support to some of his children living in South America, but admits that he cannot support them all due to their large number. “My large family approves of my choice and this is the main thing,” the man sums up.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that the woman left her husband two weeks after the wedding, after learning his secret.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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