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The calls don’t stop: Why are children getting sick in droves?

Recently, diseases spreading among children have caused concern among parents. Some say it’s COVID, others suspect measles, and others claim a new virus is spreading. There are those who have a serious illness and those who recover in two days.

But what exactly is the disease that spreads among children? Is it really a coronovirus or are we facing a new type of virus? The most important thing is how should we fight this virus?

“Caspian” The newspaper sought answers to these and other questions in its next article.

Fever, cough, malaise…

Pediatrician Vagif Garayev stated that cold weather in autumn and winter increases virus activity. During these periods respiratory infections (colds, flu, etc.) are more common. When it’s cold, children’s immunity weakens and they become vulnerable to viruses: “Currently, seasonal viruses are spreading among children. This has happened and will happen every year. The weather in the country changes often. In this season, respiratory viruses that damage the respiratory system occur more frequently. General symptoms and fever, nasal congestion, weakness Some parents think it is COVID. We are not saying that the situation in the country regarding coronavirus is satisfactory. .

Calls are not interrupted.

Regarding the way to combat the virus, the pediatrician pointed out that the cause of its massive spread is daycares and schools: “Especially after September 16, calls about children’s illnesses do not stop. Parents are also concerned. complain that the child goes to school and comes back. In closed spaces, especially in schools and kindergartens, viruses can spread easily. The reason is that the infection was caused by the parents, not the school or kindergarten. A sick child should not go to school. A parent who sends his child to school when he is sick puts his child in danger, because if the sick child does not rest at home, he will recover late and sometimes there will be complications. We cannot explain this to parents.Seasonal viruses. It can be cured in three or four days at home. The main control of fever is a menu rich in fruits and vegetables and a bed regimen. In general, inadequate hand washing and non-compliance with health regulations are the main factors that facilitate the spread of viruses. “It is important to instill hygienic habits among children.”

Dangerous virus for children – Coxsackie

Currently, the virus considered dangerous for children is Coxsackie. The doctor emphasized that this virus is seen with fever and diarrhea: “I consider this virus to be more dangerous for young children. Because children lose fluid with vomiting and diarrhea, this should be a compensation. Medical supervision is mandatory for children under three years old. Especially those who are not breastfeeding. Treatment at home, giving the child antibiotics worsens the condition, there is a rash in the mouth, hands and genitals. specific treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the oral cavity if it is treated, it disappears in 5-7 days.”

There are also children who have tested positive for COVID

Pediatrician Nigar Mirzayeva also confirmed that high fever, continuous sneezing, runny nose, muscle and throat pain are observed in children who apply it: “Due to the arrival of autumn and the opening of schools and daycare centers, the incidence of viral infections Acute respiratory infections among children are increasing. Viruses are contagious. “When a child gets sick in closed spaces, all children become infected with this virus. “There are also children who come for a check-up and test positive in a blood or throat test.”

The best remedy to prevent complications.

Regarding the treatment of the disease, the pediatrician highlighted that, like other viral infections, abundant fluid intake, rest and symptomatic treatment are prescribed: “Warming, cough treatment, nasal drops for nasal congestion or runny nose, and before going to school it is recommended to complete all children’s vaccinations. The main reason for hospitalization of children with complications is influenza, which can also be applied and benefit from private hospitals.

Doctors pointed out that to protect themselves from viruses, children should wash their hands frequently, follow hygiene rules, pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, frequently change the air in their homes and protect themselves from inclement weather by choosing seasons. clothes. Vaccines, especially flu vaccines, strengthen children’s defenses against viral infections.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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