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HomeBreaking NewsThe Canary Islands government “understands” that the PP closes the door to...

The Canary Islands government “understands” that the PP closes the door to Sánchez for menas and will mediate to restore dialogue

The Canarian Government “understands” the indignation of the PP in the face of the “unfortunate” statements of the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, who suggested in an interview on Friday that the Executive would not accept aid from the EU to relocate most of 6,000 unaccompanied minor migrants that the Islands welcome today.

The president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, now intends to act as a mediator to unblock the situation and reestablish dialogue between the PP and the central government. He will do it next Thursday, when Pedro Sánchez receives Clavijo at La Moncloa (a day earlier than initially planned), as part of the series of bilateral meetings he is organizing with all regional presidents.

Ankle “never leaves the negotiating table until an agreement is reached” says one of his collaborators, and on this occasion he is determined to play the role of bridge between the PP and the PSOE, to which his party, the Canarian Coalition (CC), is accustomed.

The PP announced this Saturday its decision to suspend the meeting that its parliamentary spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, and Minister Ángel Víctor Torres were going to hold on Monday, to negotiate a reform of the immigration law which guarantees the distribution of men from Canary Islands. between the autonomous communities.

The reason given by the popular are the statements in which Ángel Víctor Torres disdained the offer of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to serve as mediator so that other EU member states agree to welcome men from the Canary Islands.

The words of the Minister of Territorial Policy raised light bulbs in the archipelago. The vice-president of the Canary Islands and regional leader of the PP, Manuel Domínguez, accused the government on Saturday of “breaking” the dialogue to reform the immigration law, due to its “Vomiting” interest in “confronting the autonomous communities”.

The popular consider that the government is avoiding the aid proposed by Von der Leyen because it only seeks to politically use the problem of immigration against the autonomous communities governed by the PP.

However, Minister Ángel Víctor Torres qualified his remarks this Saturday and assured that The government will “of course” ask for help from the EU“but according to the regulations, the protocols, the regulations which have to do with the migratory phenomenon”.

In this regard, he recalled that, until the entry into force of the European Pact for Immigration in 2026, “the solidarity” of Member States in welcoming immigrants from other countries is “voluntary”.

Migrant boys and girls in the Canary Islands cannot wait. The situation is urgent and immediate measures must be taken,” declared the head of Territorial Policy in statements collected by Efe.

“The worst thing that can happen to children in the Canary Islands, in Ceuta and Melilla, is They are poorly cared for, overcrowded“Because there are too many,” he added, “it means that everything takes longer, that the negotiations are not closed, that we do not end up reaching an agreement.” added the head of Territorial Policy.

It is for this reason that he argued that before resorting to EU aid, the autonomous communities must show their solidarity by welcoming the menas, in order to resolve as quickly as possible the urgent problem that the people are suffering from. Canary Islands. Torres considered “irresponsible” the PP’s decision to break off negotiations on immigration law reform.

For its part, the Ministry of the Interior spoke out yesterday against the criticisms of the PP, ensuring that Spain has received support from the European Commission since 2006 to face “migratory pressure”, given the situation of our country on the southern border of Spain. Union.

During this period, the European Commission provided 117.5 million euros to meet the needs of the Canary Islands, in addition to the sums received in matters of migration, asylum, borders and security.

“For the Canary Islands,” indicates the ministry of Fernando Grande-Marlaska in statements collected by Efe, “since 2020, Spain has repeatedly requested to have Frontex maritime surveillance assets in African waters.




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