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HomeLatest NewsThe Car Insurance Scam That Comes by Email to Avoid

The Car Insurance Scam That Comes by Email to Avoid

A new type of scam is gaining attention again, namely the one concerning your car insurance, which promises to offer you a gift if you quickly answer a survey. These son the keys to avoid falling into the car insurance scam which is starting to go viral.

This is the car insurance scam

This afternoon, an email caught my attention. It pretends to be a well-known insurance company, and while you don’t have to be too smart to figure out that it’s a total scam, I’m going to give you the keys to finally prove it to you. the crude system with which they try to deceive many people. Just because it’s crude doesn’t mean it’s not effective, because there are people who, as soon as they see that something can be free, don’t hesitate to click and move forward to achieve the proposed goal.

The first thing that catches your eye about this email Its design is totally outdated.and in which they call you by your name and surname all together and in a rather careless way. Also, in very large typographic characters to attract attention. Then, the logo of the insurance company to try to give credibility and the format of the date, which is suspicious because in Spain we do not use this way of writing it.

But now comes the most important thing, they address me as customers of the company and I’ve never been there. But besides, I don’t have a car, so here we can finally realize that it’s something quite negligent.

If you complete this supposed survey you will receive a car emergency kit, but just take a look at the ggrammar and spelling to prove they used the world’s worst translator. It’s riddled with spelling and grammar errors, and the agreement isn’t anything special either.

It is not those who want to carry out this “investigation” who will receive this emergency kit, but rather the cybercriminals who are behind this “investigation”. They collect your personal data to sell it or to carry out more elaborate scams. And this email has all the elements to be thrown out at the first opportunity, but unfortunately, there are people who still fall for it.

But finally, what’s under the body of the email is also crazy. They put in English the typical message that you have to insert if you want to stop receiving these emails. Strange, because I I never subscribed to this insurer’s mailing list. But best of all, it refers to an address in the North American state of Texas. It’s a shopping center.

Therefore, if you receive this strange email that is nothing more than a car insurance scam, you already know the most appropriate place to drop it, the “Deleted items from your email manager” box.

Every day, cybercriminals They are trying to find new ways to get information in the form of data or by taking money from you directly in the most diverse ways.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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