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The Catalan invasion of Valencia

We have already commented in this same column how Catalan separatism finances its fifth column in the Valencian Community. The goal is to transform Valencia into a colony of Barcelona, ​​which is the true meaning of Catalan countries. As part of the secessionist infiltration project in Valencia, the magazine Time Her importance is crucial since she is the spokesperson for this movement. And it is for this reason that it has benefited for decades from the financial support of various Catalan institutions.

By chance, a few days ago I received the special dedicated to the 40th anniversary of this publication, a 324-page volume published on May 28 of this year. Time It is a magazine published in Valencia, although it has branches in Barcelona and Palma. Naturally, even though it is a pan-Catalan magazine, since it is a media deeply rooted in this community, this special issue included advertisements from several Valencian institutions, such as the Generalitat Valenciana, the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, the Consell Valencià de Cultura, the IVAM of Alcoy, some universities and a dozen town halls.

But the flood of advertising from Catalonia, which has more than multiplied the pages contracted by Valencian institutions, is very significant. All provincial councils, several notable town halls, including that of Barcelona, ​​joint organizations between several institutions – such as the Barcelona Fair – and almost all public universities. And the Generalitat of Catalonia, in large part. Someone denounced, and many opened their wallets… Catalans. The Socialists did not hesitate to spend public money to advertise in the Barcelona town halls that they control, but they were careful not to do advertising financed by the PSC. Junts and ERC were more honest, there was a page of their respective parties as well as a good number of advertisements from institutions controlled by them.

Some data. Let’s start with the advertising contracted directly in this issue by the Catalan autonomous government, at the time with Pere Aragonès of president. The back cover announced the “oenogastronomic” virtues of this autonomous community; plus a full page of a cultural subscription for the museums of Catalonia; another page of 3chatthe interactive platform of TV3 And Radio Catalonia; Father Aragonès’ linguistic policy could not be left without a full page for the “Let’s try in Catalan” campaign and another for the Catalan Institute of Vine and Wine. Without forgetting the demands of mixed organizations with the participation of the Generalitat, such as the Port of Barcelona, ​​the European Institute of the Mediterranean or the Barcelona Fair.

Let’s continue. Do you think it is a priority for the citizens of the Barcelona city of Sant Boi de Llobregat to spend public money advertising in a Valencian magazine like Time? The socialist mayor of this city, Lluisa Morethe thought, and took up half a page. Remember that Moret is president of the Provincial Council of Barcelona and governs with ERC and Comunes. And for this same reason, this supramunicipal body has also marked a full page of details. The Provincial Deputation of Tarragona (ERC and PSC) also presented itself with another full page on an exhibition of contemporary artists. The Provincial Delegation of Girona (Junts and ERC) directly placed a full-page ad congratulating this publication on the occasion of its anniversary. That of Lérida (PSC and ERC) did a double: a full page of GlobaLleida and another on “the strength of the municipalities” of the province of Lérida.

Readers of Time They were able to benefit from half a page of the Space Crater which is paid by the municipality of Olot (Junts and ERC). The Catalan Association of Municipalities, dominated by Junts, published another page. Plus half a page from another town hall governed by PSC and ERC, that of Salou (Tarragona). And the Junts white brand that governs Vila-seca (Tarragona) has hired an additional half page. One of the strengths of the PSC and the political cradle of José Montilla, Cornellà de Llobregat, paid for an extra half page. More money from Barcelona’s “red belt”? A full page of the great stronghold of the Municipalities, El Prat del Llobregat. And another from the metropolitan beach bar of the socialists, municipalities and the ERC (AMB – Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona). Vic (Barcelona), in the hands of Junts, contributed another half page of the immersive audiovisual “Vicpuntzero”.

Catalan public universities could not be missing: half a page from the Open University of Catalonia, another half from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and another half from Rovira i Virgili. The Pompeu Fabra? Another half page. The Polytechnic School of Catalonia? On average more. The one in Lleida? The same. And the University of Barcelona is not absent. Collboni out of this party? No joke. A page from the city’s summer cultural festival, Greek. And the one already mentioned of the Barcelona Fair, of which he chairs the General Council. The National Art Museum of Catalonia, another half page. It is clear that pan-Catalanism in Valencia is doing well. At least financially, given the great institutional support that ERC, Junts, PSC and Comunes provide to this cause. Very great is the river of public money that goes from Barcelona to Valencia so that the defenders of the paisos Catalan are dedicated to cultural, social and educational agitation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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