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HomeBreaking NewsThe CGPJ proposes judges Ana Ferrer and Isabel Perelló as candidates for...

The CGPJ proposes judges Ana Ferrer and Isabel Perelló as candidates for the presidency

He General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) proposed to the judges of the Supreme Court Ana Ferrer and Isabel Perelló as candidates for the presidency of the Council of Judges.

This Tuesday, the plenary session of the CGPJ met again with the aim of trying to reach a consensus between the conservative and progressive blocs and elect the president. —president, in this case— of the Council.

At around eleven in the morning, the Council announced that Ferrer and Perelló were the candidates. Now, the twenty members of the body – ten chosen on the proposal of the PP and the other half, by the PSOE – will meet again in the afternoon to proceed to the vote. To be elected president, a candidate must obtain three-fifths of the votes in favour. That is, the approval of 12 of the 20 members of the CGPJ.

If either candidate is successful, for the first time the presidency of the General Council of the Judiciary – which also means that of the Supreme Court – will go to a woman.

Perello and Ferrer

Born in 1958, Isabel Perelló has been a judge at the Supreme Court since 2009. She began her judicial career in 1985 and has held positions at the Court of First Instance and Investigation of Mahón (Menorca), the Provincial Court of Barcelona and the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia.

She is a specialist in contentious and administrative jurisdictions and was a lawyer at the Constitutional Court between 1993 and 2003.

For her part, Ana Ferrer has been a judge in the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court since April 2014. She entered the judicial career through a competitive examination in 1984.

She practiced before the Courts of Valdepeñas, Linares, Aranjuez, Leganés and Madrid. In 1996 she obtained the position of judge at the Provincial Court of Madrid and in 2008 she was appointed president of said judicial body, a position she held until her appointment as a judge at the Supreme Court.




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