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HomeLatest NewsThe challenges of the mayor of Cordoba for the fall

The challenges of the mayor of Cordoba for the fall

As the echo of the bells that celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fuensanta fades away, institutional activity returns to the highest level. It is a kind of tradition in Cordobaand, although the City Council has already been complete since last week, it is now that the Candlewhen the political course is inaugurated and in cruising speed.

For the City Council of Córdoba and its mayor, José María Bellido, it is also the beginning of an autumn in which there will be ten rshort term goals which will serve to define many aspects of the city in the immediate future.

Tax orders and accounts

One of those that does not allow delay, because the economic functioning of the Consistory depends on it, is that of the otax regulation and the budget. The PP enjoys an absolute majority, so its approval does not depend on any other group, but the tax ordinances have been controversial since the summer, as they have increased.

Thus, the City Hall will increase the collection rate of garbage ten percent, which the mayor considers to be the effect of a law of the government of Pedro Sánchez, which required that the fifth container be placed on the streets. It is added to the 35% of the current year.

The measure can be implemented with the fifteen popular councilors, but it will require explanationsbecause the opposition opposed it en bloc and highlighted the lack of coherence with the “massive tax cuts” that the mayor spoke about in previous years, and this is delicate because it goes directly into the pockets of citizens.

Yes, they will decrease, as has been the case since 2019, the Vehicle tax of Mechanical Traction and Construction, among others, around two percent.

Once the tax ordinances are in place, it will be time to present the budget for 2025, which the municipality wants to prepare in the coming weeks. It will be, according to Bellido, a budget “expansivewith more income and certainly also with more expenses” which will have the novelty of not resorting to both credits and what is collected for investments.

The transfer of the stables

Before the end of this year 2024, the transfer of the Royal Stables building to the association should also take place. Cordoba Horse Ridingwho would take care of its maintenance and management. Initially, the entity had requested a period of 40 years and the City Hall did not say yes, but spoke of at least 25 years.

A report, with a business plan, another economic plan and another infrastructure plan, is part of a project already very advanced and will mean that the entity, declared public serviceYou will have space for horse-related activities in exchange for a fee. In the Stables, he will promote the International Horse Center.

Helmet Management Plan

In just over two weeks, the World Congress of Heritage Cities will be held in Cordoba, an event of great importance for the management of heritage cities and the intention of the municipality is that by then, Historic Center Management Plana document that must define the uses and the framework for acting in the area protected by UNESCO. We want to show it on this occasion.

We only know the general outlines yet, but the idea is that it is a very innovative document, which does not limit itself to prohibiting and regulating, but also develops security policies. accommodation that allow more Cordovan people to live in the area, which has been losing population for years. Aesthetics and daily life, through issues such as cabling, must also be defined.

New urban planning

Urban planning is a fundamental regulation for any City Council, and Córdoba must modify it to adapt to the Law of Integral Management of the Territory of Andalusia (List). The new document will be called General plan of Communal Planning (PGOM) and for months the Consistory has been working on its development, which will consolidate the broad outlines also based on what has been done during this period.

Thus, the will of the Municipal Council is that the text consolidates the new green spaceswhich have already developed in recent years, but also spaces intended for industry. The integration of what is called the urbanizable areasthe previous plots, for which the new List provides tools for such integration. The project will take more than two years, but this fall, probably in late September or early October, some of its content will begin to be seen.

Coexistence and tourist apartments

For months, the municipal government has been working on two fundamental ordinances for daily life, which respond to two different situations. The first is the one that must regulate the presence of the accommodation for tourist use in stressed areas. By the end of October, a study should be ready and commissioned to understand in depth the presence and management of these dwellings which, in recent years, as is the case in other cities, have experienced exponential growth.

Once the results are known, the city council will have to decide on the content of the ordinance, whether or how it will limit its growth through licenses, as well as seeing in which areas of the city it has the most weight – those are the ones with the most votes for limiting measures.

Of course, this is not an exclusive phenomenon of the Casco, but it has reached neighborhoods outside the old wall, such as Garden citywhere empty commercial premises have been converted for this purpose. In parallel, there is that of coexistence and night tables, which aims to put an end to the aesthetics of bachelor parties, stop the exercise of domestic activities on the public highway and make the presence of tables in the street compatible with respect for others. It should also see the light of day very soon.

Culture and heritage

The city council also expects Letsgo to make a decision this fall to resume the nighttime show. HASlcazar of the christian kings. Some work is needed and its absence prevents the realization of “Nature on” for the moment, and with this a valuable tourist resource is lost that returned in 2022, but is still imprisoned by intermittence.

During these months, the elimination of the cultural plane, which was located in Miraflores and that the City Hall will eliminate due to lack of use and which had become a place for the vandalism and even occupation.

Fair Consultation

Should we go to the polls in the coming months? No, new councilors are not elected, but the City Council has announced a popular consultation to decide if there can be permanent installations of fair stands in Arenal, which will alleviate the installation costs each year for the May festival.

Setting up a stand at the Cordoba Fair

Valerio Merinos

These are the changes approved by the Fair Commissionwith an opinion that was respected for urban planning, but which includes many changes in the festival that, according to an agreement of the previous mandate, must be completed precisely in this municipal stage between 2023 and 2027.

Sports equipment

The sports facilities cross two spaces, both located in the south of the city. There must be news from the space in which the now demolished building was built Youth Pavilionand where there will be an indoor swimming pool. The first tender process was abandoned, the City Hall is willing to resume it after listening to the companies and neighbors, so that what happened does not happen again.

A few dozen meters away is the stadium Saint Eulogiusor a historic football field where the City Council has carried out major improvement works to be able to use it. The second phase remains. Its completion is not scheduled until 2026, after a long process during which Cajasur has delivered one of the oldest sports spaces in the city.

The emergency center

On the social level, the Emergency Housing Centre is currently on hold, already five years behind schedule, according to the Town Hall, due to the complexity of its management. It will occupy one of the pavilions of the former Military hospital of San Fernando and will be a place where homeless individuals or families can spend time, but never permanently.

Pavilions of the former Military Hospital

VAlerio Merino

The contract for equipment and furniture is the last thing missing so that in the future this place, which will serve as temporary accommodation, can finally open its doors, after also having a company with workers capable of taking care of the potential ones. users at any time. That is why it could not be entrusted to municipal staff.

Rinconada Urbanization

The Army Logistics Base Project is the most important that Córdoba has known in recent decades and a good part of the municipal work must consist of accelerating the processing of the bag of industrial lands of Rinconada, attached to that which it has and it Ministry of Defense -urban development work is underway-.

The City Council, in collaboration with the Andalusian Housing and Rehabilitation Agency (AVRA), must launch a call for tenders for the development of the rest, the annexed logistics park, which will involve equipping it with sewers, paving, lighting and water networkelements necessary for the military sector.

The Compensation Commission should also be operational this fall, according to municipal plans, and unlock an area of ​​110 hectares to begin the process of moving from a rural area to an urban area, with all the necessary services and provisions to support the building construction from the General Varela base.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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