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The charming and mysterious Shusha welcomes her guests with her revived and renewed face.

Shusha welcomes its guests with a renewed and revitalized face. It is as if he is now breathing after 30 years of captivity and the war of which he was fed up. It is being rapidly restored and construction work is underway.

Let’s go to Shusha… Leaving the liberated lands behind one by one and climbing the Victory Road, the proud position of the city impresses visitors from afar. “It is no coincidence that the Armenians held Shusha captive during these years,” we say with our traveling companions. As we move forward, the fog blocking our path thickens. “Here you can’t tell the weather, sometimes it’s cloudy, sometimes clear, sometimes it rains suddenly, sometimes the wind blows. You can still see snow and frost… And there is always fog in the mountains. Its nature “It’s as mysterious and mysterious as Shusha,” said one of the guests on the bus. .

“Caspian” newspaper article on the subject.

A city that smiles at its guests

We observe with admiration and pride how a new life is born after many years in the city brutally occupied by Armenian vandals. It is a unique sight that impresses a person.

Shusha smiles at her guests. Like everyone who sets foot in the city, we also want to see the fascinating and majestic view of the Cidir plain, the mountains where the conquerors of Shusha climbed the steep rocks, go down to the Isa spring and drink its ice water, the busts Of the photographed statues: Uzeyir Bey, Khan’s daughter, Nateva, Nightingale, who finally breathes freely in her homeland, we hasten to immortalize the images next to him. Then we set foot and head towards the Shirin water bath, the walls of Shusha castle, the Ganja gate, the Mehmandarov estate, the mansion of Khan’s daughter, where no stone is left unturned. We went down the cobblestone paths and reached the Yukhari Govhar Agha mosque. There is a certain sadness when looking at the city’s half-destroyed, half-surviving historic buildings. We observe the bullet marks on the walls of the buildings with great regret…

The joy of the people of Shusha

In Shusha you have to see and visit everywhere. The residents of Shusha know not only the history of the last 30 years of the city, but also the time of the Khanate, and they talk about it enthusiastically to the guests.

The return of IDPs from Shusha to their hometown already began in May. They have apartments in modern, newly built buildings. The residents of Shusha welcome their return to their ancestral home with great joy, express their gratitude to the head of the country for the restoration and reconstruction of the city and pray for the souls of our martyrs. The inhabitants of Shusha, awaiting their gradual migration to their homelands, count the months and days….

Sensitive points related to religious issues

Shusha is a city of poetry, music and moving feelings. “I greet you not as chairman of the State Committee, but also as a resident of Shusha, who lost his childhood in this magnificent city 30 years ago,” said Ramin Mammadov, chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Institutions (SCC). ), he said, giving such a sentimental beginning to the seminar organized by the institution that is born from the spirit of the land.

It is no coincidence that the seminar on “The religious factor in the ideological struggle: expectations of the media” was held in Shusha with the joint organization of the DQIDK and its subsidiary Foundation for the Propagation of Moral Values. “Hundreds of religious and historical monuments belonging to the Azerbaijani people were destroyed on these lands. Our mosques were insulted, attempts were made to falsify the history of our religious temples. However, today our state is restoring our religious and cultural monuments,” said R. Mammadov.

“It is known how important news and information are for media representatives. At the same time, there must be a clear idea of ​​​​the boundaries between ideological security and the professional activity of the journalist. The complexity of the issue lies in the fact that ideology “It is a field as broad as that of information production, and defining the limits here is quite difficult, especially in the current era in which religion has become one of the main tools of ideological influence in various contexts.” These ideas gave rise to heated debates and proposals during the two-day seminar. The seminar, attended by state authorities, representatives of the media and the public, and intellectuals, continued with sessions and panel discussions on “Religious freedom and free media: where do the borders begin?”, “The fight against religious radicalism and the media.” Increase the knowledge of journalists on sensitive points related to religious issues, provide broader public information on the model of relations between the State and religion in the country, the role of the media in educating society on religious issues , increase media literacy, etc. Topics were discussed.

Within the framework of the seminar, it was recorded in our memory, like knowledge of an important page in history.

Our visit to the Aghdam region paved the way to closely follow the historical-architectural monuments and destroyed houses that were subject to Armenian vandalism. “The Aghdam Juma Mosque, one of the monumental examples of Karabakh religious architecture, is the only building in the city that was not completely destroyed. Cattle and pigs were kept here, and its wall was vandalized with graffiti. The mosque was returned to its previous appearance as part of the restoration project,” it was reported.

Event participants were among the first visitors to the newly opened building complex. The interactive museum complex displays information, tombs, historical facts about the Karabakh Khanate, audiovisual presentations dedicated to the crafts and poems of Khurshidbanu Nateva, and photographic material.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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