Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 6:24 pm
HomeTop StoriesThe chocolate crisis is noticeable in the pocket

The chocolate crisis is noticeable in the pocket

Finally, the consumer price index (IPC) of the month of August was located in the 23% compared to the previous year, one tenth more than what the National Institute of Statistics (INE) predicted half a month ago, when it published the provisional data. However, this slight variation still represents a decrease of five tenths compared to the rate recorded in July.

If the CPI has not fallen, it is largely due to the accommodationwhose annual rate increased by eight tenths (4%). “This increase is due to the fact that the increase in electricity prices was greater than in August 2023,” they explain from the INE.

On the contrary, the groups that contributed most to this decline were the transportationwhose specific index stood at -1.3% (3.7 points lower than the previous month), mainly due to the drop in prices recorded for fuels and lubricants. Also, the food and non-alcoholic beverages recorded a decrease of 6 tenthsstanding at 2.5%.

Bigger ups and downs

Since the previous month, the chocolate It continues to be among the foods with the highest price increases (3.4%), although cocoa and chocolate powder reflect price stability (0.2%). breakfast cereals (2.3%) and the remainder of beers who are not blonde (1.6%).

With increases greater than 1%, the mutton and goat meat And other edible oilswith increases of 1.2 and 1.1% respectively. Just at 1%, it is the frozen fish and dried, smoked or salted fish and shellfish, as well as baby food.

Already below 1%, there are the salt and spiceshe coffee (0.9%) and preparations of canned fish and seafood (0.9%).

6% drop in fruit and vegetables

On the contrary, the product that has fallen the most since July is fruits and vegetableswith a drop of 6%. It is followed, albeit at a distance, by olive oil, which has dropped by an average of 1.7%.

Further declines can be seen in the fruit and vegetable juice (-0.9%), in the legumes and vegetables fresh or chilled – except potatoes – (-0.8%) or nuts (-0.7%). Spirits also show a decrease of (-0.7%).



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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