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The city where Pablo Iglesias lives will award the Medal of Honor to Edmundo González and Corina Machado

The Spanish people chosen to live Pablo Iglesiasgreat defender of Chavism and communist dictatorships, raises his voice to defend the electoral victory of Edmundo Gonzalez And Maria Corina Machadoand will grant the Medal of Honor of the Villa as a form of support for all exiled Venezuelans and, in particular, for all those who emigrated to this city.

Galapagar will debate and approve in plenary session this Thursday the granting of this highest distinction to these two key figures in the defense of freedom, human rights and democracy in Venezuela. The government of Mayor Carla Greciano In this way, he extends his hand to Venezuela and recognizes the unwavering courage of Edmundo González and María Corina Machado, who continue to fight “tirelessly in defense of truth and justice and their work is essential to keep alive the hope of a free and democratic Venezuela,” municipal sources say.

“The recognition of González and Machado is much more than an act of justice, but also a clear message of struggle and defense of the rights and freedoms of all citizens, which knows no borders, especially for exiled Venezuelans,” the same sources say.

The popular of Galapagar calls for “the coherence and firmness of the entire political class that, more than ever, must act responsibly to defend the truth, the sovereignty of the people and the democratic values ​​that govern us and allow us to live.” peace, the same peace to which we aspire and that we wish for countries like Venezuela, where they have suffered for years of crisis, uncertainty and conflict, the result of the repression of the government of Hugo Chavez and his successor, Nicolas Maduro“.

The plenary session to be held in Galapagar this Thursday, September 26, will debate, as the fourth item on the agenda, the proposal of the government team (PP-Vox) for this concession.

The municipal council protocol regulation provides that the City Medal of Honor may be granted to high authorities or to national or foreign dignitaries who, in the opinion of the Plenary Assembly, are creditors thereof.The proposal to the Plenary Assembly is signed by the absolute majority of its councilors, members of the local Executive, given that the Protocol Regulations establish that honorary distinctions can be requested by a third of the members of the Corporation.

The government of Carla Greciano indicates that “it intends to publicly and officially demonstrate its political and moral commitment to what Edmundo González and María Corina Machado represent for Venezuela, as well as its support for the nearly eight million people who have been forced to leave this country for political reasons or simply in search of a better life to escape a dictatorship and, above all, for the hundreds of Venezuelans who currently reside in Galapagar.

In this mountain municipality, municipal sources explain, Venezuela’s new neighbors have gone from being a very small minority ten years ago to today being among the top five countries of origin.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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