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The Civil Guard follows “promising leads” to locate the alleged murderer of the Baiona woman

The Civil Guard follows “promising leads” to locate the alleged murderer of the Baiona woman

The Civil Guard follows “promising” leads to find the alleged murderer of the 36-year-old girl, Estela BS, who was found dead at the home of her ex-partner, in the As Ínsuas neighborhood, in the Bayonese parish of Belesar, in the early hours of last Friday. This was stated by the government subdelegate in the province of Pontevedra, Abel Losada.

In statements made to the media during the rally that took place in Pontevedra, after the Government Delegation against Gender Violence confirmed that Estela’s death was a sexist crime, Lieutenant Colonel Óscar Graña, acting head of the command of the Civil Guard of Pontevedra, indicated that “For the moment”, investigators believe that the victim’s ex-spouse, Humberto GR, is still in the area. “We are searching the area, intensifying the search in this area. He knows this area and we think he must be there,” he remarked.

Europe Press states that the suspect has complaints of gender violence and, in fact, the Vigo Violence Against Women Court issued a judgment last April restraining order for the victim, which was recorded in the VIOGEN monitoring system, classified as “medium risk”.

In the early hours of last Friday, Humberto himself called 112 to report that he had found Estela at the door of his house and that he had put her in the house and covered her with a blanket. However, when paramedics arrived (who could only confirm the death), the man fled, claiming that he had nothing to do with the girl’s death and that he wasn’t going to “eat that brown.”

“The promising signs seem to be there”

The Government subdelegate, Abel Losada, for his part, underlined the “effort” made by the Civil Guard in the search for this suspect and confirmed that the National Police, the Local Police of Vigo and the Portuguese forces are also participating in the device.

“The promising signs seem to be there”Abel Losada reiterated that he wanted to be careful in his statements so as to “not interfere at all in the investigation.” Losada asked for “patience, especially with the media, to ensure that the Civil Guard can do its work as discreetly as possible.”

“We are looking for a person on the run and to which it is not advisable to give any “contribution” how the procedure evolves,” Losada said.

Lieutenant Colonel Óscar Graña also highlighted that this organization defined “different search devices”. We have no evidence that he went to another area, although Portugal and the National Police in Vigo were alerted,” he reaffirmed.


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