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The Civil Guard of the “Koldo affair” removed Aldama as confidant to find out if the UCO was investigating him

The latest reports from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard on Koldo affair splash the new members of this body which they would be involved in the denunciation that the corrupt network received while the police investigation threatened them.

According to the summary documentation to which EL ESPAÑOL was able to access, the commander Rubén Villalba Carnereroalso investigated in this context, managed to convince the commissioner Victor Gonzalo de Aldama be included in the database of collaborators and confidants of the Civil Guard Information Center, in order to be aware of any alert that would be issued on this individual if investigations were opened against him.

The UCO highlights in this new report that there is “a strong set of elements that demonstrate Aldama’s ability to achieve infiltration of his alleged criminal organization into state security forces and organs”.

Commander Villalba Carnerero was arrested last March shortly after being appointed attaché of the Embassy of Spain in Venezuela. During the years when the plot spread, police command was assigned to the General Directorate of Information, dedicated primarily to anti-terrorism investigations.

It was one of these colleagues that he used, as indicated in the last report, to be able to register Aldama in the register of collaborators of the Armed Institute. Rubén and Víctor established a relationship at the end of 2019. However, as the UCO points out, “it was not until the summer of 2021 that Aldama could be registered in the police database at the request of Rubén.

Fragmento del informe de la UCO.


En uno de los mensajes hallados en el teléfono intervenido a este mando de la Benemérita se evidencia cómo exige a uno de sus colegas de Información que le haga el favor de incluir al empresario como si fuera un confidente del Cuerpo más.

Al tratarse sus interlocutores de agentes dedicados a la lucha antiterrorista, la UCO, en su último informe sobre el caso Koldo, omite sus nombres por motivos de seguridad. “Oye, Agente 13, el colaborador que yo te pasé para que le dieras de alta, Víctor Gonzalo… ¿Ese, al final, qué? No me has dicho… No me has comentado nada”, preguntó Rubén.

El sistema de colaboradores de la Jefatura de Información origina mensajes automáticos que le saltan como alertas al agente que grabó al confidente en cuestión en la base policial. Estos avisos se activan, por ejemplo, cuando otra unidad policial empieza a investigar a dicha persona. 

Así ocurrió con Aldama. El comandante investigado en el caso Koldo lograba que uno de sus compañeros le inscribiese para anticiparse y así conocer los pasos que estaban dando sus compañeros de la UCO de la Guardia Civil, tal y como relataba Rubén Villalba en otra conversación con otros miembros de la trama.

“Yo creo que cada vez que le dan de alta en una nueva operación salta la coincidencia“, señaló el comandante en un chat de WhatsApp. La primera vez que tuvo constancia de esa coincidencia fue, como él mismo señala, en el año 2022. “El jefe habló con el coronel de la UCO en su día y le dijeron que siguiéramos adelante. Yo ya no trato con él, más allá de que el jefe dijo de invitarle ayer a la comida”.

Nadie alertó a la UCO

De la alerta que avisaba de que Aldama estaba siendo investigado se percató uno de los jefes en Información del comandante arrestado, al que la UCO se refiere en el informe como Agente 1.

Yo, cuando empezamos a mosquearnos, cuando empezamos a saltar, en junio del 2023, ahora repasando todo… en junio del 2023… es cuando empezamos a tener algún tipo de duda, porque en el sistema nuestro salta que Víctor [de Aldama] has open investigations Officer 1 said.

Yes yes Rubén Villalba responds. I knew it for a long time.

But of course, when they’re already telling us that it’s obvious they’re investigating… If they tell us in July, “Holy shit, man, Be careful, damn, that’s why I’m warning you… At the UCO: ‘Hey, look, you’re investigating’ to a guy I have a relationship with.” The UCO, the truth is not there, I don’t understand why they don’t tell us: ‘Holy shit, be careful.’

Fragment of the UCO report.


In this part of the report, UCO investigators highlight a conversation between Rubén Villalba, agent 1 and even another agent (Agent 2), aware that a denunciation was taking place on the investigations carried out by the UCO.

What is interesting is to know if someone has made a request, because if they do an audit and we… Agent 2 said.

Apparently, there is no audit that… To me, for example, when they tell me that the UCO is monitoring, because someone happened to them… Besides, I think that Koldo he said one day: ‘I left the house and faced a car, what’s up, I don’t know what…’ The most serious thing would have been if we had checked and told Koldo , it’s serious.

You need to try to shut this down, unless someone lied like a…

We do what we do, what we discharged punctually if we always did a check-up.

The UCO indicates in its report that none of these agents of the Information Directorate warned them of this circumstance. Neither on these alerts, nor on the fact that those involved knew that there was someone following their steps. “In accordance with what has been explained above, it should be noted that, despite these alerts occurring in the aforementioned system, Rubén’s Unit was not interested in this circumstance to this Training Unit”, deplores the Central Operational Unit.


The UCO points out that Aldama used “from the active collaboration of Rubén” for the activities of the framework of Koldo affairin which the alleged collection of commissions through public procurement for the supply of masks is studied.

Within the alleged criminal network, Villalba’s mission was to ensure “the protection and continuity” of the conspiracy. Both internally (“protect your communications and personal security”) and externally, “protect corrupt acts typical of this organization’s criminal operations.”

Among the activities that the detained Civil Guard commander carried out for Aldama, various searches stand out to find surveillance devices, such as beacons, cameras, microphones or other types of elements commonly used by investigators of the Judicial Police. He executed them with other agents from Information Headquarters.

One of these raids took place in July 2021. Without being able to determine the exact date, the UCO indicates that it carried out “counter-surveillance measures in the Aldama office”. And also in his car.

Koldo and the director of the Civil Guard

For his part, Koldo García Izaguirre, right hand who was Minister of Transport at the time the contracts were signed, Jose Luis Abalosseemed to have first-hand knowledge of the investigations against him.

According to Rubén Villalba, Koldo told him that the UCO was the unit that carried out the investigations into the contracts awarded by Transport to the company. SL Management Solutionsconsidered the epicenter of the plot. And, according to the new UCO report, García assured the commander that it was “the former director general of the Civil Guard who informed him of the ongoing investigation.”

In this regard, the file adds that Koldo, on other occasions, made false statements to third parties about his relationships “to give himself a certain importance.” And that “to this day this instruction “No evidence has been found to support this point.”.




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