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HomeBreaking NewsThe closed website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Academy is restored

The closed website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Academy is restored

Internet information resource of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. (

About this Oku.AzThis was reported by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES).

It was reported that the software of the Internet information resource, which includes a modern design and high technical capabilities, was developed in accordance with the criteria set by the relevant state institutions. This is intended to ensure the security of users’ data and increase the reliability of the site.

Taking into account user convenience, the Internet information resource, suitable for the screen sizes of various devices and developed on the basis of innovative innovations, is distinguished by its user-friendly nature in terms of structure and content. The Internet information resource provides detailed and easily accessible information about the activities of the Academy, faculties, departments, library, advertisements, admissions and other existing areas. The comprehensiveness and accessibility of this information helps users to better understand various aspects of the Academy’s activities.

The Internet information resource is planned to be constantly updated in several languages, ensuring that foreign users can easily access information. The Internet information resource also has the sections “Heydar Aliyev Center”, “Academy Life”, scientific research and photo gallery. These sections visually present the activities of the Academy and introduce the public to the Academy’s innovations. A separate page has been prepared for the Academy’s scientific journal and a link has been provided on the Internet information resource.

The Internet information resource launched in the new academic year will make the Academy’s activities more transparent and accessible in general, as well as facilitate citizens’ communication with the Academy.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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