Home Latest News The CNMC submits the liberalization of Cercanías trains to public consultation

The CNMC submits the liberalization of Cercanías trains to public consultation

The CNMC submits the liberalization of Cercanías trains to public consultation

The National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has started the study to collect information on the upcoming liberalization of trains subsidized by the state and classified as “public service obligation”, which will mean the possible entry of competition in the suburban, regional, Medium Distance Services and High Speed ​​Medium Distance (AVANT) sectors from 2026.

The first step was the launch of a public consultation which will be open until December 13, with the aim of identifying challenges and obstacles and making recommendations ensuring that the opening of the market benefits both passengers and passengers. to customers.

The current contract between the State and Renfe will expire in 2027 and can be extended for up to five more years, although a clause determines that 3% of the services included in the contract will expire on January 1, 2026.

In 2023, these services carried around 492 million passengers, most of them residing in peripheral areas of major cities and with below-average incomes, according to Competencia in a statement.

This is why the organization believes that the liberalization of this sector is essential to improve social and territorial cohesion, promote environmental sustainability and strengthen the economic activity of metropolitan areas.

“International experience indicates that the liberalization of public rail transport services leads to both cost savings for contracting authorities and an increase in the quality of service,” defends the CNMC.

At the moment, in addition to Renfe, which wishes to maintain the operation of these services, an Alsa alliance with EcoRail has also expressed interest in providing this type of service.




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