Home Entertainment News The comedy show ‘Dangerous Minds’ announces its return to Pamplona in 2025...

The comedy show ‘Dangerous Minds’ announces its return to Pamplona in 2025 after selling out its tickets for this weekend

The comedy show ‘Dangerous Minds’ announces its return to Pamplona in 2025 after selling out its tickets for this weekend

“Dangerous Minds”, a comedy show with comedians of the caliber of Leo Harlem, Ana Morgade, JJ Vaquero and Alex Clavero, arrives this weekend in Baluarte with two sessions, scheduled at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tickets have been sold out since summer 2023. But, just 24 hours before the curtain rises, they have announced the new dates on which the show will stop in the Navarrese capital.

It will be next year when the actors return to Pamplona with “Dangerous Minds”. Tickets have already been released for the two 2025 sessions. They will take place on Saturday May 10, at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. There are options for 34 euros.

From the school of comedy Some of the sharpest, most original, most creative and also most dangerous minds in Spain have emerged from the national team. And it’s about time they threw a party to match.

After sell more than 70,000 tickets in the first year of life, ‘Dangerous Minds’ will face the new milestone with the hope of repeating it with a completely renewed show.

New show, new monologues, new gags, “Dangerous Minds” will return to Pamplona to show that it’s the best laughter festival possible.

On this occasion Leo Harlem, Ana Morgade, JJ Vaquero and Alex Clavero It will be the actors who will take the stage of the Auditorium Rampart to dance, dine, drink… And above all, make people laugh like never before.


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