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HomeLatest NewsThe Communist City Hall of Rivas allocates €104,000 to promote its "Agenda...

The Communist City Hall of Rivas allocates €104,000 to promote its “Agenda 2030”

The Rivas City Council has launched a call for tenders for an amount of 104,060 eurosfor the dissemination of the Rivas urban agenda 2030, which will last 24 months and whose purpose is, according to the Popular Party of Rivas Vaciamadrid, to launch the electoral campaign of the IU for the next elections of 2027. All this under the “excuse” of spreading the Rivas 2030 Urban Agenda, approved by the plenary on July 18, with the Popular Party voting against. “This urban agenda will take into account the electoral proposals of IU for 2027, but financed with the money of the inhabitants of Rivas,” says the PP spokesman, Janette Novo.

The popular have condemned this “very useless” expenditure because the Ripense City Council already has a website and a municipal magazine to which it allocates almost 500,000 euros in which information on this Urban Agenda is already reported. In total, the communist city council allocates from the 2024 municipal budget to the Press and Communication Office 1,185,583.88 euros.

“With this contract paid for with the money of all the neighbors, IU will campaign for two years with the approval of the PSOE, which applauds everything its government partner does without worrying in the least that it is swallowed up,” he said. New.

The PP spokesman denounces that “theor what they call the urban agenda, is nothing more than the survival strategy of the left of Rivas Vaciamadrid. After the fraudulent process called Rivas stops and thinkswith which they manipulated the will of the neighbors, another part of the left propaganda arrives to entertain the neighbors and make fools of themselves, disguising itself as democracy, imposing their model of city, which is none other than that of their Gallic village controlled with an iron fist.

Of the 104,000 euros that the Rivas City Council wants to dedicate to promoting the urban agenda, 4,500 euros are allocated to Merchandisingnearly 9,000 for infographics and illustrations, 4,000 euros for advertising banners, nearly 1,000 euros for a photocall, 14,000 for a 24-page brochure6,300 euros between diptychs and triptychs and so on, up to 104,000 euros.

The Rivas Urban Agenda is very expensive for residents. Another contract has already been awarded in April 2024 for technical assistance, support, design and development of the Agenda Action Plan Urbana de Rivas Vaciamadrid. The amount of this contract was 29,645 euros.

Rivas 2030 Urban Agenda.

The Rivas City Council justifies this expenditure because it considers that the Urban Agenda is “an essential document for designing the cities of the future, for making cities spaces of friendly, welcoming and healthy coexistence.”

Other expenses of the Rivas Town Hall, Fief IUminor markets, awarded without open competition for a value of more than 20,000 euros, in a restaurant owned by one of the IU candidates to be a councilor in the local elections of 2019 and 2023. Or for example, when he spent more than two million euros on private health insurance for municipal employees.

Also, Aida Castillejo spent public money on the San Isidro festivities to celebrate several concerts anti-semites in favour of Palestine. It should also be recalled that during the Local Government Council of 24 July, the municipal council approved the expenditure of 25,000 euros of the 2024 budget for Clowns in rebellion. Association that has benefited from the help of the Castillejo City Council since 2019 for indoctrinating children against Israel.

Recently, the communist city hall requested a loan of 10 million in July without specifying what all this money would be used for.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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