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HomeLatest NewsThe Community of Madrid offers 13,200 public places in September to register...

The Community of Madrid offers 13,200 public places in September to register in FP

Enrolling in a vocational training cycle is becoming the preferred option for many students. For the past two years, there have been more students enrolled in this level of training than those who do so to take the Baccalaureate. And the lack of public places also makes the headlines in the permanent newspapers at the start of each school year, thus provoking strong criticism from the opposition. In previous years, there was talk of up to 30,000 students who could not enroll in the option they wanted at this level of education.

On this occasion, the regional government affirms that 13,200 places in public vocational training centers remain to be filled by September, some in the most requested cycles and with greater employability.

In concrete terms, places are offered at all levels: 1,300 at the basic level, 5,400 at the intermediate level and 6,500 at the higher level, all in centres supported by public funds. These registrations are available to people who did not obtain them during the admission processes last July.

At the basic level, there are free places in training cycles such as computer science and communications (with 280 vacancies) or administrative services (with 380), two of the most requested.

As for the intermediate level, there are more than 900 free places in the Auxiliary Nursing cycle, and 700 in Administrative Management, in addition to 500 in Microcomputer Systems and Networks.


In the higher grade, there are still 650 places in the Administration and Finance cycle, and 200 in Transport and Logistics, Sales and Management of Commercial Spaces, Web Application Development and Multiplatform Application Development.

Vocational training has become a star of the educational system, mainly due to its ability to attract and interest young people, its greater practical application and because companies, in many sectors, are waiting with open arms for these students to complete their training in order to hire them. ; The employability percentages are very high in some specialties.

Those interested in any of these positions can visit the Community of Madrid website ( to see the list of centres with vacancies. The application for admission must be processed directly at the corresponding institute, on 3 and 4 September for the basic grade, on 5 and 6 September for the intermediate grade, and on 9 and 10 September for the higher grade.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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