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HomeLatest NewsThe coordination office of the Doñana Plan of the Government of Andalusia...

The coordination office of the Doñana Plan of the Government of Andalusia is inaugurated in Huelva

In November 2023, the Spanish government and the regional government of Andalusia formalized an agreement for the development of the so-called Doñana Plan, a program of investments and actions aimed at protecting the Natural Space and its entire socio-economic area of ​​influence. Among the commitments established in this agreement, the Junta de Andalucía announced the configuration of a commissioner with an associated team whose functions would be the monitoring and evaluation of all actions, dialogue with the Doñana Participation Council or coordination of all interventions planned within the scope of the agreement. scope of regional competences.

The office began to take shape in February with an agreement from the Board of Directors, although internal negotiations began from then on, given that the starting point was that it would be an internal working team and therefore would not involve additional recruitment. The approach was developed from the summer with a modification of the RPT which allowed four positions within the structure of the ministry itself to be assigned to this function.

At this beginning of the political course and already with a change of ownership within the ministry (the powers for the development of Doñana passed to Catalina Garciaformer Minister of Health), this coordination office of the Doñana Plan has begun. After the appointment of the new commissioner, Jaime Mora, the current provincial secretary general of the Ministry of Huelva who occupies the expected position of level 30 civil servant, work is currently underway on the appointment of the other three professional civil servants who will close the team.

In addition, the intention of this office for the development of the Doñana Plan is to have the support of five professionals with experience in the sector and who are part of the staff of the Environment and Water Agency (Amaya) and collaboration agreements will be formalized for the incorporation of personnel who are part of the Doñana XXI Foundation.

Although the scope of the Doñana Plan includes the municipalities of the provinces of Cadiz, Seville and HuelvaLocated in the socio-economic area of ​​influence of the Natural Area, the office was installed at the headquarters of the Andalusian Government Delegation in Huelva.

Its functions are developed in the agreement of the Government Council that favored the birth of this new figure: “The monitoring of initiatives and actions for the socio-economic development of the area of ​​influence of Doñana that will be implemented in execution of the protocol by any public administration, and the coordination of the participation of the Junta de Andalucía in the Dialogue forum provided for in the protocol between the autonomous administration and the ministry.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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