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HomeLatest NewsThe Cortes of Aragon will vote on an initiative that could take...

The Cortes of Aragon will vote on an initiative that could take the presidency of the Chamber from Vox

The division between the PP and Vox, revealed by the meeting of spokespeople on Wednesday, could affect the presidency of the Cortes of Aragon itself, held by the extreme right Marta Fernández.

If in July he received a “no” due to the rejection of the parties that until then supported the coalition, the CHA spokesman, José Luis Soro, took advantage of the preparatory meeting for next Thursday’s plenary session to include the first step towards modifying the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber. As the nationalist formation wishes, among the concepts supported to dismiss its president, it would also be necessary for this to be accepted by the absolute majority of the deputies of the Cortes.

Having received no votes against, the attempt by the CHA spokesperson was successful this time and the proposal will be presented at the session on the 12th. Now, for the proposal to be approved, it would be enough for the PP to abstain on this point – number 3 of the plenary session – and for the rest of the groups – except probably Vox – to support it.

It should be remembered that what will be voted on Thursday will be the consideration of this measure, and that it will be followed – only if there is a green light – by its processing and the possible inclusion or not of amendments. As a final step, the project would be voted on in the Cortes of Aragon, where an absolute majority would be required to advance, as reflected in the aforementioned proposal.

Currently, the Regulation provides – in its article 62 – only three causes for the revocation of members of the Council: the loss of the status of deputy, the express resignation and the fact of not adhering or ceasing to belong to the parliamentary group of the political formation to which he belonged at the time he was proposed as a candidate.

The appointment of the president of the Cortes of Aragon caused a lot of controversy at the time due to the comments made on social networks, which she ended up deleting. In addition, in recent months it has been the subject of several controversies, although the increase has decreased in recent months.

Marta Fernández made headlines when she refused to shake the hand of the then interim Minister of Equality, Irene Montero. Previously, her words about Montero were heard, about whom she said that “he only knows how to kneel to grow.” Nor has her trusted team enjoyed much peace of mind, given the changes in positions.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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