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HomeLatest NewsThe Cortes of Castilla y León overturn the law of concord

The Cortes of Castilla y León overturn the law of concord

The bill of concord that PP and Vox presented to the Cortes of Castilla y León in April, when they were still government partners in the Council, has definitively ended its journey. With the only votes in favor of those of Abascal and the rejection of the PP, PSOE, UPL-Soria ¡Ya¡ and Grupo Mixto, the parliamentary initiative was “overturned” after a tense debate.

The deputy spokesperson of the Popular Group, Oscar Regueratook it upon himself to defend his group’s opposing position in order to advance the law, which he justified in “reasons of opportunity, priority and prudence” considering that this was not a priority for the Community and that the appeals presented in other autonomies against similar laws advised waiting and above all having a report from theAdvisory Council of Castilla y León which approves the Castilian and Leonese standard.

The PP lawyer was “convinced” that, despite everything, the rule that had been agreed at the time with those of Abascal and reached the Chamber with the signatures of both parties “It’s constitutional”. In his speech, he attacked Vox for “declaring his celibacy by flirting with the opposition,” as well “we are facing a new idyll”, thus interpreting the opposition work that the people of Vox are now carrying out after their departure from the regional executive.

For his part, Vox spokesperson and former vice-president of the board of directors, Juan Garcia-Gallardovigorously defended the initiative and launched harsh criticisms against the PP, asking “why they registered it with us and defended it until the day before yesterday” when, in his opinion, it is “a fair and necessary law”. In this scenario, he reminded the popular that they are a minority, which is why he announced “an energetic opposition aimed at showing their shame and putting them in front of the mirror”.

The spokesperson for the Socialist Group, Luis Tudançadefended his vote against the consideration which puts a “full stop” to the parliamentary initiative and with it “We are closing a black page in the history of Castilla y León”. In addition, he attacked the PP and, above all, the President of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, for his “change of position”, by now voting against the proposal even though “for two years he has put a collar on his nose to govern with the extreme right.”

The UPL-Soria MP ¡Ya!, Luis Mariano Santosaccompanied by the only representative of Por Ávila, Pedro Pascualgave the most serene tone to the debate. The first described as “disgusting” what happened with the former partners of the government, while the man from Avila deplored that this type of initiative serves to “radicalize us and they will not find us there.”

In the Mixed Group, the lawyer Francisco Igéadenounced the “cowardice” of the PP since during the debate neither the President of the Council nor the spokesperson of the Popular Group were in their places, who entered the room only thanks to the intervention of their lawyer, and stressed that the This proposal does not live up to its name but “has come to sow discord”. More vehement, as usual, was the representative of Podemos, Pablo Fernandezwho regretted the “atrocity” heard and called the rule “waste, filth and excrement.”

Thus, the bill of concord ends its journey here after having obtained the sole support of Vox’s lawyers and having provoked a vote against the PP and the rest of the opposition. The end of a controversial parliamentary initiative that brought the parliamentarians of Vox and PSOE to their feet, who enthusiastically applauded the interventions of their spokespeople during a session in which each group told its story.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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