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“The cotton test”

Plenary session on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, the first of the new political course, which begins with many expectations that converge towards a common ground for the three main groups of the parliamentary arc. PP, PSOE and Vox challenge each other to demonstrate what their approaches will be on issues such as immigration or regional financing but, above all, to know where the policy of the agreements will go after the rupture of the regional government caused by Abascal.

“It will be the cotton test,” was the phrase used by two of the Cortes’ spokesmen.curiously separated from each other by an ideological abyss. The socialist Luis Tudanceand Vox’s, Juan Garcia-GallardoThey used the slogan that made the advertisement for a cleaning product (with a butler) fashionable to warn that during the plenary session it will be possible to check where they will be placed and, what is the same, if there is a possibility of agreement between the different parties that inhabit the room. Both also agreed to point the finger at the same protagonist, who is none other than the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, to check if his “outstretched hand” adapts to their respective wishes.

“This is the first plenary session with a minority government in which it will be demonstrated whether or not it has broken with Vox,” the socialist leader said yesterday after the meeting of the Council and the Parliament’s Spokespersons’ Committee that served to organize the plenary session. “Let’s see if he stands out from the far right.”“, he added, and for this they will present an interpellation on immigration policies with the aim of reversing the “demographic hemorrhage” for which they ask for popular support.

Either with me or against me

For the Vox spokesman, who admitted not knowing which PP he will “find”, the “cotton test” is also for Mañueco and his supporters, to whom he issued a warning: “It’s easy, either with the PSOE or with Vox; “They are the ones who must explain whether they are pursuing a policy of common sense or whether they are seeking the applause of socialist voters.” Two proposals will bring Abascal’s party to its first plenary session in opposition so that its former partners can take a position: a PNL to promote the return of unaccompanied minors to their country of origin and an interrogation of the new Minister of Industry, Leticia García, on whether she will “restore the privileges of the unions” as, according to her, is happening. What is currently a confirmation is that PP and Vox will vote together on Wednesday on the bill for the shielding of essential services that the former presented and which is a postponement from the previous session. However, what will happen to the bill of concord that they have developed together and that Vox wants to submit for consideration in the session of September 25 remains pending. The spokesperson for the Popular Group, Ricardo Gavilaneswho, like García-Gallardo, is making his debut this year in the task of giving voice to his party, has not advanced what his position will be and has limited himself to emphasizing that “there is a procedure” for the agenda of the sessions.

It is clearer with the initiative that the PP will take in plenary session to denounce the agreement between the The PSOE and the ERC are “an absolute theft against the citizens of Castilla y León”. “This agreement is unacceptable because it constitutes a direct attack on constitutional principles and has serious consequences for the rest of the autonomies,” Gavilanes said. This is where the popular also demand the “cotton test”: “Let the PSOE present itself because enough words and let Tudanca say if he loves the people of Castilla y León or if he is going to follow the instructions of his beloved leader. “This is the moment when we must position ourselves and say if we are on the side of the citizens of Castilla y León or in favor of the agreement with the ERC,” he concluded. He did not comment on Vox’s PNL on immigration, so we will have to wait for the plenary session.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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