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The Court of Auditors deplores the “approximate” management of French churches and religious heritage in Rome

In a harsh report published on Monday 2 September, the Court of Auditors examines the way in which the administration of the Pious establishments in Rome manages an exceptional French real estate and spiritual heritage.

Placed under the authority of the French Embassy to the Holy See, the Pious Institutions of France in Rome and Loreto – often called “the Pious” – are responsible in particular for thirteen rental buildings located in the historic centre of the Italian capital, as well as five churches, including the famous Trinity of the Mountains and Saint-Louis des Français, which houses three world-famous paintings by Caravaggio.

Gold “The shortcomings are numerous and obvious” in management “approximate” of this heritage “of considerable value”regrets the report covering the period 2015-2022.

No value estimate

First of all because this heritage “it is not known precisely” : Neither the churches nor even the collections are included in the balance sheet and “No estimate has been made of the value of these works”This is the case of the three Caravaggios, which could be worth several hundred million euros.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Between opaque management and a nebulous legal status, the little secrets of the French churches in Rome

These deficiencies lead to “Risks of dispossession that, for some, have already materialized”says the report. And ambiguities: the text cites the example of the famous stairs that connect the Trinity of the Mountains with the Spanish Steps, built with French funds, but maintained in recent years by the Pious or by the city of Rome.

Regarding the real estate portfolio, the Court highlights a “opaque policy of allocation and rent setting” of 148 apartments and thirty-one premises, on average “below the low range” in these coveted neighborhoods, and with “Unjustified advantages granted to many tenants”. This “lack of professionalism” amputates the bets of “almost 50%” potential income, says the report, which estimates the value of the buildings at 213 million euros (for income of 4.6 million).

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The Court also deplores the management “extra accounting” from certain bank accounts with “many cash payments”sometimes for remuneration, rent, reimbursement of expenses, etc.


Added to this “Lack of cooperation with the Ministry of Culture”. As their fire prevention recommendations were not followed, it exists in churches. “a proven risk to the safety of property and people”according to the Court.

Another problem: “significant deviations” on the works, carried out without public tendering, entrusted to a small number of companies, “with the risk of significant overbilling”. “Having been informed of these abuses for a long time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not taken the necessary measures to restore a degraded situation”the report adds.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers. Senate examines the state of religious heritage

Finally, the Court deplores the fact that, in view of the proximity of the Jubilee which will see millions of visitors converge on Rome in 2025, “an embryonic cultural action” and an improvement “insufficient” from Saint Louis of the French.

She highlights a “long-standing ambiguity” on the status of the Pious who “fueled the excesses”although in his eyes the French ownership of the heritage “it was recently confirmed” by several Italian sentences. Remember also that the Pious “trusting a very small team”without much renewal and without internal controls.

A “transformation imperative” implemented since 2021

Considering that “The responsibility of ambassadors and the State is compromised” and that the latter “We must immediately put an end to the observed errors”The Court states that the legal framework “must evolve” and evokes the creation of an establishment with financial autonomy or a public establishment.

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For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this latest proposal “it is not viable” particularly with regard to the imperative of secularism. He pleads in his response to continue “the transformation undertaken within the existing framework”. the report “largely agrees with the embassy’s conclusions” although several examples “are based on outdated experiences”adds. The ministry highlights that a “transformation imperative” It has been in place since 2021, responding to several recommendations from the Court (housing allocation, professionalisation of management, etc.), while others are being implemented (fire-fighting measures in particular). Finally “An inventory professional is expected starting in July”add the answer.

The foundation’s assets have been built up over the years thanks to donations and legacies from the French. The five churches that have been maintained date back to the 7th century, welcomed pilgrims exhausted by their travels, a vocation that still exists.

Read also the forum (2022) | Article reserved for our subscribers. “There is a certain oversizing of the heritage made available to the Catholic Church in relation to the use it makes of it”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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