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the day when the comet of the “century” will be closest to Earth

He day when the comet of the “century” will be closest to the Earth, you have a date, the time of year and the century we have been waiting for has arrived. We are faced with a series of elements that will make an important difference in every sense of the word. It is an astronomical moment that we will hardly see again, being one of the comets that will end up generating the most expectations in the coming days. Spain is preparing to receive it, following a trajectory that already makes it visible.

In addition to the fact that this comet, due to the position that it acquires during this journey near our planet, reaches its highest point, a moment in which we must begin to reflect and prepare ourselves to be able to face certain changes which will make a significant difference in each direction. This is the moment of truth, to start thinking about what is coming and how to make possible this space exploration which brings us more and more surprises. Take note of what this comet of the century says that you should take into account in the coming days.

There is already a date for the arrival of the comet of the century

September and October are the months in which we can begin to see this comet reach a speed that could end up being one that marks a before and after. We are preparing the arrival of a series of elements that could be those that make an important difference in this arrival which could end up being the one that marks a new reality.

This comet is one of those that we will see stand out during this century with a series of elements that will accompany us these days. Its position will make it one of the brightest to have passed near Earth and this should be seen more clearly, which may arouse our interest in astronomy that is coming in force.

Without a doubt, it is the time to see what the night sky has in store for us, with a kind of aura of light. A small point of light that moves at high speed and that will visit us shortly could end up being what will mark the next few days that await us. Experts already know the days when this comet, one of the most important of this century, will be close to Earth.

This is the day when the comet of the century will be closest to Earth

From Meteored they give us all the details of the arrival of this comet: “The aesthetic pleasure of being able to enjoy one more of the wonders that the universe manifests and teaches is within our reach. The right time has come to enjoy the beauty of the comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, and without using telescopes nor twins. All its beauty will be visible to the naked eye. This comet was first discovered on January 9, 2023 by the Purple Mountain Observatory telescope in China, and then confirmed by the ATLAS telescope on February 22, 2023 in South Africa.

You can note on the calendar the days when you will be able to see this event: “between October 10 and 14 will be the best time to observe the comet. Concretely, it will be the night of October 12 to 13 when we can best enjoy this astronomical event. It will present good visibility according to estimates, since it will be sufficiently far from the view of the Sun. However, we will have the gibbous crescent Moon there. Nevertheless, even if the Moon is visible since the afternoon, it is worth trying on these days, because we will no longer have this opportunity.

What we will see is a very unusual phenomenon: “Comets have elliptical orbits, following Kepler’s laws. They can travel from outer areas of the solar system, Tsuchinshan-Atlas specifically originates from the Oort Cloud, which is an asteroid belt located well beyond the orbit of Neptune. Therefore, it has no known period or it is unclear what it is.

We will have to keep an eye out for a sky in which we can see lunar eclipses and even the Northern Lights if we focus on what and everything that awaits us in this month of October, which brings important news. It is a period which, astronomically, may have more than one surprise in store for us.

Experts warn us of what may happen in the coming days. We will have to pay attention and hope to see this incredible celestial spectacle soon. A unique opportunity awaits us to discover the comet of the century, undoubtedly the event of the year and the decade.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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