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The days are getting shorter and the change to winter time is approaching.

Have you noticed that even though you are still in the summer timeIs it getting dark earlier and earlier? This is something quite normal since as the season progresses, each day the night falls a little earlier. However, it seems that now that the end of the month is approaching, we are more aware of it, which leads us to reflect on the days of autumn and winter and also to ask a fairly common question When will the switch to winter time take place? It is true that September starts tomorrow and many will already be going back to work, but we still have a few days of summer left so make the most of them before autumn arrives and this new time change.

Getting up in these last days of August means that, just as we have realized that it is getting dark earlier and earlier in the morning, the sun is rising later and later. Specifically, sunrise is delayed by up to one minute per dayso that even if already in June and especially in July we noticed that, for example, at 06:00 or 07:00 it was already dawn, now sunrise occurs at least half an hour later (and even more). It is something we are used to and we do not even think about it, but it also leads us to think about those winter days when we get up early to go to work or study and it is still dark. An autumn-winter season that, even if it does not begin until October, begins to be felt with those mornings when you may have already woken up and the sun has not yet risen. Let’s find out below when exactly summer will end, how long autumn will last and when the switch to winter time will take place.

Goodbye summer, when will autumn come?

August is about to be behind us, and as is the custom when September arrives, we begin to think that summer is already over, although the truth is that this is not the case at all. In reality, there is already almost a month left until the start of the new season. Autumn will not officially arrive until September 23. This will be the time when the autumn equinox will occur, when day and night will be practically the same length. Autumn will last until December 21, the day winter begins.

In this way, once the fall of 2024 arrives, we will be able to say that this year’s summer has lasted. 93 days and 16 hourswhile the autumn It will be a little shorter since it will last 89 days and 21 hours.

When will the winter time change take place?

And with the arrival of autumn, inevitably, we will address another important change that we experience every year: winter time change. This adjustment of the clock is one of those events that mark the definitive transition to the coldest days and the longest nights, although the truth is that for many it is also a schedule that they do not like at all, considering that once it occurs, we notice that, for example, at 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m., it is already dark in practically all of Spain.

In this 2024, The time change will take place at dawn on Sunday, October 27. At 3am, when we are all comfortably asleep (or perhaps enjoying the last hours of a Saturday night), the the clocks will go back one hour, marking 02:00 again. As they say, “we will gain an hour of sleep”, although of course this also means that the days will be noticeably shorter and, as they say, the dark afternoons will arrive earlier than we would like.

This time change, called winter time, aims to Make better use of sunlight during the colder months. However, it also reminds us that the time of long sunny days is behind us and we are entering a season of greater introspection and meditation.

At first, this change can be a bit jarring, especially when it suddenly gets dark at 6:00 p.m. But like every year, you’ll get used to it eventually. Plus, there’s something comforting about coming home after dark, cooking a hot dinner, and curling up with a blanket to watch a movie or read a good book. The change to winter time, although it announces the end of summer, also invites us to enjoy the warmth of find comfort in the little pleasures that winter brings.

So as we say goodbye to summer and prepare for fall and winter, Let us remember that each season has its charm.and the time change is only a small part of this natural transition that invites us to enjoy every moment.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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