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HomeEntertainment NewsThe difficult schooling and early professional integration of accompanied minors.

The difficult schooling and early professional integration of accompanied minors.

The year I was 6myMelissia C. had to give up, in total, “ten times in college”. “My mother was in and out of psychiatry, we were really alone with my little brother. Obviously, schooling was detrimental to us, I went to the Segpa. [section d’enseignement général et professionnel adapté, pour les élèves en grande difficulté] »the young woman remembers.

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Today, at 20 years old, he tells the story of his childhood. “chaotic” : separated from her family at 14 months and placed in the care of child welfare (ASE), raped by her stepfather after a judge decided to return to the family home at the age of 9, then placed in around twenty places throughout France until the end of her life. She was placed in care at the age of 18 years and 3 months. Despite her obvious aptitude for university and her marked taste for writing, the young girl ultimately obtained only a university degree. “My trip was just that, it was made up of disagreements with people or school interruptions”Melissia summarizes.

Academically, their journey resonates with that of many children in care. The latter, more than others, face disruptions in their professional careers and their orientations, recalls an analysis note by France Stratégie, entitled “Reweaving the threads of destiny: the journeys of young people in care”, published on Tuesday 10 September.

12% obtain a general baccalaureate.

By combining data from statistical surveys of the general population and the ELAP reference survey on the transition to adulthood of young people in ASE care, the study sheds light on educational paths and integration into professional life. For methodological reasons, only children born in France and who have completed all their schooling in our country are included in the panel, which excludes unaccompanied minors and children who arrived with their parents from abroad. Another clarification: the data used date from 2015, i.e. before the vote on the law of 7 February 2022, which provides that the departments will continue to provide support until the age of 21 in the event of insufficient resources or family support. The possible effects of the change in law are therefore not shown.

Among the notable results is the particularly high repetition rate in primary school for children in child care: 40%, compared with 16% for young people as a whole. However, this figure is still lower than that of those living in “inactive” (unemployed) families, the study stresses. At the end of secondary school, only 43% of young people in training make it to the third without delay, compared to 71.5% of all young people.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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