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The Diocese of Cartagena accuses the “criminalization of migration” of PP and Vox: “They are normalizing dangerous ideas”

The Migration Delegation of the Diocese of Cartagena criticized PP and Vox for their statements against migration. This section of the diocese criticized the statements made last September by political leaders of both parties against migratory movements.

“We see with deep sadness how government institutions, some groups and political leaders, as well as some of the main de facto powers (media, lobbies, etc.) normalize, with great audacity and with total impunity, dangerous ideas by spreading and legitimizing hate speech that directly and above all attacks one of the most vulnerable groups of people: those of immigrant origin,” the diocese lamented in a statement.

The religious organization recalled that on September 6, José Ángel Antelo, leader of VOX in the region of Murcia and regional deputy, “made slanderous statements to various media, linking immigration to the insecurity of citizens, pointing to the immigrant population as responsible for this deterioration of our cities and towns.

Three days later, senators and deputies of the Popular Party registered a series of parliamentary questions addressed to the Spanish government, based on the principle that humanitarian aid actions produce what they call the “call effect”: “The inaccuracy of this statement reinforces the errors defended in hate speeches against immigrants, and reveals their clear and sole intention of obtaining political gain with them,” the diocese denounced.

The Delegation stressed that “we still have a lot to do as a host society” and recalled that certain institutional practices make the lives of migrants and refugees very difficult: “Difficulty in obtaining an appointment at immigration offices for asylum and residence applications; occupation of the most precarious and poorly paid jobs; accidents at work resulting in the death of workers; racist raids; internment in CIEs; “hot returns”, he listed.

Vox leader finds himself without TikTok

Given his statements against migrants, the TikTok platform has suspended the account of the leader of Vox in the region of Murcia. His own party acknowledged this via the social network X: “They have permanently blocked the TikTok account of our provincial president.”

The video platform reported up to three recent violations committed by Antelo before his account was closed. In his videos, the Vox leader assured that “in Murcia, the children of the PSOE and the PP are being kicked and punched. “Mass expulsions are urgent.”

The Chinese company has among its policies “the value of diversity”: “We do not allow any hate speech or behavior, or the promotion of hate-based ideologies. This includes explicit or implicit content that attacks a protected group,” they maintain.

Resignation for failure to welcome migrant minors

It should be remembered that Antelo resigned from his position as vice-president of the Region of Murcia – along with the representatives of Vox from Extremadura, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, the Valencian Community and Castile and Leon – after opposing the reception of migrant minors.

The leader of Vox harshly criticized the national leadership of the PP: “The situation of instability in the region is directly the fault of Mr. Feijóo, who constantly lives saving the Socialist Party. Alberto Núñez Feijóo is the best minister that Pedro Sánchez has.”

“I think the most sensible thing is that the citizens of the Region, who have clearly stated that they do not want a government of the Popular Party alone, must choose the model in which they want to live, and it is a model that not only transcends the Region of Murcia, but it will be a capital model in the future of Spain,” he complained.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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