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HomeLatest NewsThe discovery of the end of the Earth which leaves experts speechless

The discovery of the end of the Earth which leaves experts speechless

The end of the Earth could be in some wayas we are told by experts who have paid attention to what the universe is telling us. Science tries to explain to us the present, but also the past and the future that awaits us. In this great universe, knowing the fate of the planets may be what prompts us to react differently. So now is the time to start thinking about what lies ahead and how to deal with it.

This discovery may give us more information about the end of the Earth, nothing immediately, quite the contrary. It will take us a few more years to find out for ourselves what will happen to us. A change of cycle which could end up being what marks a before and an after. In this great universe in which we live, we can learn a little more about what awaits us, thanks to a series of essential details that we may not have even imagined until now. The end will be like this according to science.

Experts are speechless

Experts remain speechlessdiscovering what will happen to Earth. The end of our planet, like that of all of us, is already marked. We cannot avoid knowing in the first person what awaits us in order to discover what is happening around us.

Science always tries to move forward, to reveal a series of elements that will ultimately mark the future. Ultimately, therefore, we need to focus clearly on some essential details. The future will experience a series of processes visible now.

If we look at a similar planet, experiencing the end of that point in the universe could end up being the same as what we experienced in our daily lives. An option that ended up being the one that experts consider good, that is, it provides us with certain details that could end up being essential.

Now will be the time to put into practice some elements that we may not have considered until now. This is the future that awaits us, according to experts.

The Earth will meet a terrible end, according to this discovery

As the University of Berkley told us: “The discovery of an Earth-like planet 4,000 light years away in the Milky Way gives a foretaste of the possible fate of our planet billions of years in the future, when the Sun will have become a dwarf white and it will have exploded. and the frozen Earth has migrated beyond the orbit of Mars. This distant planetary system, identified by astronomers at the University of California at Berkeley after observations with the 10-meter Keck telescope in Hawaii, closely resembles expectations for the Sun-Earth system: it consists of a white dwarf d ‘about half its mass. of the sun and an Earth-sized companion in an orbit twice the size of today’s Earth. This will probably be the fate of the Earth. The sun will eventually expand into a balloon larger than Earth’s current orbit, enveloping Mercury and Venus. As the star expands to become a red giant, its decreasing mass will force planets to migrate to more distant orbits, giving Earth a small chance to survive farther from the Sun. Eventually, the outer layers of the red giant will be swept away and left behind. a dense white dwarf no bigger than a planet, but with the mass of a star. “If Earth survived by then, it would likely end up in an orbit twice its current size.”

Continuing with the same explanation: “The discovery, which will be published this week in the journal Nature Astronomy, informs scientists about the evolution of main sequence stars, like the Sun, from the red giant phase to a white dwarf phase. ” how it affects the planets around them. Some studies suggest that for the Sun, this process could begin in about a billion years, eventually vaporizing Earth’s oceans and doubling Earth’s orbital radius, if the expanding star does not first envelop our planet. Eventually, in about 8 billion years, the outer layers of the sun will have dispersed, leaving behind a dense, bright ball, a white dwarf, about half the mass of the sun, but smaller than Earth. .


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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